
S.L.O.W. Team

Location: Upstate New York
Members: 9
Latest Activity: Aug 22, 2011

S.L.O.W. Team

Stretch Line Open Water or S.L.O.W. Team. Since there's always emphasis on F.A.S.T. (Firefighter Assist and Search Team) or R.I.T. (Rapid Intervention Team) to get firefighters out of situtations instead of avoiding them and putting the fire out. Remember to always stretch the line and open water on to the fire and put it out. If the fire doesn't go out then back out. Part of the saying is, "You don't need to jump out the windows". We emphasize on avoiding dangerous situations and put water on the fire. Remember, once the fire is out then your problems go away.

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

FAST Stories

Started by Timothy J. Gaffney, Jr.. Last reply by Pierre-Louis Lamballais Aug 22, 2011. 5 Replies

At a possible structure fire call with my volunteer FD, I was driving the ladder truck, which was third to arrive on scene.  There was a light smoke condition coming from the basement of the…Continue

FAST Training

Started by Timothy J. Gaffney, Jr.. Last reply by Bill Carlisle Jul 18, 2011. 1 Reply

I believe FAST (or RIT for others) operations can be over rated at times.  In the town I work for, there are 12 fire departments (kingdoms we call it) that serve the town.  Most of the fire…Continue

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Comment by Timothy J. Gaffney, Jr. on July 22, 2011 at 7:18am
Chief King, while we're on the topic of building construction, I participated in a workshop at FDIC (Fire Department Instructors Conference) in 2010. The workshop was on Single Truck Company Operations and presented by a DC firefighter. He told the class that he felt comfortable in performing a search in every structure (both vacant and occupied). So I raised my hand and challenged his remark by telling him its a contradiction to Courage To Be Safe and Chief Billy Goldfeder who preach to not run into EVERY building. But even after stating that, the DC firefighter still stuck to his guns with his statement. Sometimes you just can't change people's thinking.
Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on July 21, 2011 at 8:13pm
Sometimes I feel that we may go to far on fires. We take to many changes. I know when I was a green horn I would worry my Chief all the time. Now I see what he was talking about. We have so many buildings and homes we know has no one in them. And fire is everywere. But we take those changes! They are covered and will be payed for and will be rebuilt. We cannot replace our Firefighters. Think about it. Safety should aways be first!

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