How many of You guys are having to cover Your Tats while on the job?
I have two on My inner Forearms and was told just the other day that Im going to have to start covering them up that means wearing long sleeves in the summer and that sucks...
Ive been involved with the Federal Government and they didnt say anything about them as a matter of fact alot of the guys had them..

Id like to hear some feedback

Sgt Bobby J King
Madison County Div of Emergency Svcs
Firefighter Rescue Tech

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I work in the private sector. Actually in a power plant, where it is miserably hot the majority of the year (inside reaches aprox. 100 deg.F in the dead of winter) and we are required to wear long sleeves, rolled down and secured at all times in the plant. So I feel your pain bro
None of that here that I know of, but Hawaii is the most tattooed state in the US. A lot of local firefighters sport some fine pacific style ink, and as a metter of cultural heritage, it would be a touchy situation to tell them they have to cover them up. Likewise, I am Scottish, and my ancestors practiced tattooing as a cultural expression, and while I don't have any tatto that show right now, it is likely that I will in the future!
i am goin to school to be a special ed teacher and i was told i couldnt have any visible i will have to cover mine up
While I'm in Paramedic school I'm not allowed to have any visible tats either. The department I'm at now doesn't really mind if a little ink shows, as long as it's not inappropriate. However, most of the policies in Alaska are no visible ink.
It took about a year to convince my chief to allow us to have ink below the elbow, even after offering to wear long sleeves. I was always told tattoos were to gang oriented, but when you think about it we r kind of like a gang. I finally convinced my chief that I was proud of what I do and wanted everyone to know what I cared about. We were told as long as there was no "naked girls" or material of this sort we could have what we wanted where we wanted it at. Hope everyone gets something like this and quits getting in trouble or having to hide them.


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