i have a question for the group, this is long so i hope everyone will bear with me because i need to establish some backround. I got into rope rescue as a personal specialty when i was a line firefighter. i attended basic-(knots, rigging, rappelling)-rope rescue school then advanced (in addition to basic,acending,belaying, mech adv,conf. space,complex systems). In each class i was warned by the instructors that when you return to your department, you might be classified as an "expert" in rope rescue and we were taught to downplay this as much as we could because every situation in rope rescue is different and a learning expirence. It happened to me anyway and i spent more time downplaying my abilities than doing actual rescues. My question to the room is, do any of you have to, or had to put up with the "self proclamed" rope rescue experts that believes that every word that comes out of their mouths should be etched in gold and followed without question and anyone who does starts the following series of events.
Who are you to question me about rope rescue operations followed by what is your training? No matter what training you cite the response is Thats not how "i" was trained, and because i was trained at scholol "A" and you went to school "Z" you are incorrect". I have to assume you know where i'm going from here. My situation is i uncovered an unsafe proceedure and when i went to press for its removal i was labeled a shit stirrer and what was "MY" motivation for questoning the proceedure? i said SAFETY and produced my evidence which came from outside industry authorities who reviewed the proceedure and urgred me to have it stopped. My department promptly accused me of embarassing the department "nationwidely" (a new term-nationwide-LY) and i should be suspended immieadiatly. i responded that i acted in the interest of safety not personal gain. That was quickly dismissed and when questioned by my BC i told him that if i was out for personal gain, i would have just wrote the unsafe proceedure up, submitted it, and when somebody got hurt or killed, all i would have to do was find a lawyer, produce the paperwork about the discovery and then say "they knew it was unsafe "X" amount of years ago and DID NOTHING ABOUT IT, then i would be a hero. My bottom line is i am all about safety and going on rope is inhearently UNsafe. When i teach basic rope rescue i teach the history, the NFPA-1983 standards, what the manafactures of a specific product say is correct and incorrect for a device, how rope is made, how to care for it etc. i stress safety and how various pieces of equipment should be used and not used (ie-carabiners are not descent devices-i dont care what the military told you) and how to care for it. I want to know if the "politics" of rope rescue cause a lot of fustration on your team or does everyone listen, give input, do reasearch before going or doing or do EGO's rule...all responses positive and negative are welcome