Do you use a 2 to 4 man team, or do you do as I was trained in Classes of having like 18 or more??? Just curious how everyone else does it!!

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We have a SOG that states a minimum of 4 but being in those classes I have always felt that we need more. If a rescue gets technical you can easily go 30 mins trying to rescue. Luckily we have never had to do it it live - only in practice. Being ISO i am always interested in other peoples thought on this subject as well.
Hey brother how you doing. My name is reggie. I work for two small towns part time fire departments. Its really varies to how many guys are working that day. One house has 6 the other has 3 maybe 4. As a rit , the one company we have 3 guys. The other 3 guys as RIT.
Third due engine (4 personnel) is dedicated as the RIT team.
We can roll with max 6 I don't like to move with less than four. I look at it this way two is one one is none. We are using a twop wide response right know early stages.
We use 4, but sometimes it seems Chief will assign a Rescue crew (we run three man Heavy Rescue), which seems to defeat the purpose of A) having a full RIT team and B)having the Heavy on scene.
We also have secondary teams set up as soon as one is deployed. They will be ready to go with another RIT bag/bottle, tools, etc if the need arises. Generally speaking, if you have deployed one, you will likely deploy two, unless you're going in to help out a broken ankle (and even then it could happen).
I work in a small rural area we use a 4 man RIT team. We are a combination dept with Fire Ems And Rescue all parties are cross trained. So therefore we dedicate a 2nd Engine as the RIT team..
Hey Fellas

Here in Philly we use a Ladder Co. which consist of 1 officer and 4 firefighters. They are not used for anything but RIT. If the Shite hits the fan and we have to pull extras the incident commander can not use them until a replacement is on the fireground.
We recently put a SOP in place with three being the minimum number of personnel. You have to remember that policies are usually written based upon your departments resources. Those resources are constantly being evaluated and adjusted as the size, scope, and complexity of the incident changes. If you have a small fire and one crew working, a three person RIT team may be adequate. On the other hand, if you have multiple crews working you may need multiple RIT teams or you may need to add personnel to the RIT team. Remember that three personnel standing on the street is (2 in 2 out). RIT is supposed to be proactive. Hope that helps..
4 ff 1 lt or cap or bc
Hey Guys,
Chicago goes with 3 or 4 ff' 1 officer and 1 batt chief
the best way to have a good team it having 4 FF, because if you have more ff it is difficult to have a good coordination and on many occasions the leader of the team loses sight of the fire and finds it difficult to keep track of everyone.
Hmmm well we use 2 if we have the manpower to do it. We are a combination of paid/poc dept. and during day calls manpower is slim, but We never send the first 2 in without backup.


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