Public Safety Memorial


Public Safety Memorial

We are working on a petition for Congress. We are looking ti create a Public Safety Memorial Day to honor Police/Fire/EMS who have fallen in the line of duty. Especially those of September 11th. We are not looking for glory. Just remember.

Members: 25
Latest Activity: Mar 23, 2017

This group is part of a larger picture. Often people remember the 343 firefighters who died on Sept 11th when the towers fell. I was speaking with several police officers and EMS recently who made the comment that people rearely talk about the officers and EMS who died. I want to petetion Congress to make a Public Safety Memorial day that covers Police/Fire/EMS Especially those who died on Sept 11th and those who continue to give their lives in the line of duty. We are working on a website to help honors those who have bravely given their best. Please help us grow and help everyone remember tthose who died serving their community.

I am not looking for glory. I am not looking to make a name for myself across the country or in the books. Our dedicateD soldiers give their lives. They have a day to sit back and remember everything they have been through with their brothers and sisters. They deserve it. In Public Safety we have members who have fallen and often their sacrafice goes without notice. It is time their voices are heard. It is time they are recognized for their sacrafice. Let us make it happen for them.

To support this action please send an email to JoinNow@PublicSafetyMemorial.Org

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

We agree!

Started by FyrFghtrEMT. Last reply by Rodney Spires Dec 9, 2008. 1 Reply

We are against!

Started by FyrFghtrEMT. Last reply by Rodney Spires Dec 9, 2008. 1 Reply

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Comment by Michael Amos on February 18, 2009 at 6:11pm
I am in, where's the petition?
Comment by Mick Shelley on February 9, 2009 at 9:59am
If I can spend thousands of dollars transforming my bike into a tribute to 911, I can't see why the government can't spend a little. We all know they waste enough money on less important things in Washington DC. I am all for seeing a Memorial put forth for all our Firefighters, and EMT's who put their lives on the line each and every day, not to mention that many of them are volunteers, and ask for nothing in return. I say build it, and build it now. God Bless all our Firefighters, and EMT's for the great job's they do.
Comment by Mick Shelley on February 9, 2009 at 9:39am

Comment by SMOKEnPipesJim on March 30, 2008 at 6:58pm
While I do agree whole heartedly the concept you are putting forth here, and agree that the 343 brothers will overshadow the members of the police, EMS, and transit police officers lost on 9/11 just because of shear numbers, I would hope that you also remember the civilians and flight crews, as well as Military personel lost in each of the aircraft and the pentegon site as well, as the 9 boston Firefighters who perished in the Hotel vendome collapse as well as those members there whopersihed prior to and after that time, the members of Worcester mass, Charleston SC, and Salsbury NC, The couple of brotherswho persished lastmonth in Pa, Part of the memorial issue is to remember not only the large numbers but the smaller groups or single members who put it on the line every single day....and for those folks its difficult to list them all... There is a memorial service annually in emmittsburg, and a police memorial in DC and there is also a Memorial to EMS workers as well, al though where its held annually is escapes me at the moment... You can't force citizens to remember, Even Memorial Day has become a day OFF rather then a Day of rememberance to those who gave they're lives overseas so that YOU can live the way we do..A better question is how to correct the typical selfish attitudes ofthe typical citizens who arent willing to get they're butts out of bed 24 /7 for they're fellow man in times of need.. ( unless they have no choice) I just fear a remeberance day holiday would mearly become just another day off to JOHN Q. while we still have to work it to protect and serve them... being stupid with they're BBQ....:)

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