We currently have two pieces of antique fire equipment. One is a 1932 hose reel that is in great shape that was taken out of the town museum due to their lack of space and placed in our fire station the other is our 1954 Dodge Blitz Buggy, this piece just sits in storage currently.

We have interested firefighters that would like to restore it but the cost is so much that it would break the fire department to do this. The museum would be interested but it needs to be somewhat restored. So I am looking for input and comments on this situation and what did other fire departments do to restore their antiques.

You must understand there are only two of these trucks left that we are aware of that were built in Old Forge NY. The other is in Balston Spa NY but is on a ton and half chassis and ours is on a ton chassis and we have had it since it was new.

Looking for guidance or input.

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Here is the picture even though its not a clear one of the hose cart.
Hi Dale,

I just read your posting. The town you mentioned Ballston Spa, is our county seat for Saratoga County, NY.

One of our neighboring dept.s within the past year just finished restoring their 1937 Sanford Fire Truck. My understanding what they did was to find a local body shop, willing to do the work with the understanding that the monies needed would have to come from Pancake Breakfasts, Spaghetti dinners, Boot Drives etc. The process took a bit longer that way, but it was the only way they could do it without depleteing their dept.s budget.

Not quite sure where Edwards NY is, but from your profile I'm guessing your up along the St. Lawrence Seaway - if this is the case, you might be able to cash in on the the summer tourism traffic. Holding pancake breakfasts on a Sunday morning in the summer months, might be an ideal way to promote your cause and get the $ dollars for getting the truck restored.

Let's exchange email addresses, so I can give you some more info. on a Dept. that does just this.

Pete, Charlton Fire
just to let you know we sold our blitz buggy 10 years ago and the person who has it takes it to parades and it still pumps water.
Nathan what chassis was this on? 1 Ton or a ton and half? Ford or Dodge?
Try talking with the museum in Hudson.
Tom we tried that but they told us we would have to refurbish it ourselves and there's no way we can afford to do this.

I know what your saying. But when your budget is only 57,500 and half of that goes to fuel and heat there is no why we can sick that kind of money into it. Believe me this truck is one of two left and to have this put into a museum would have been nice but I guess it will sit in our pole barn and never be enjoyed by anyone but us.



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