AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to requiring employers to provide safety ropes and system components to firefighters.
Became a law August 1, 2007, with the approval of the Governor.
Passed by a majority vote, three-fifths being present.

I was wondering if any departments have started to comply with this. I know at my place of employment we are not currently. I personally have a rope and carbineer stored in my bunkers. When I have asked around about the topic there seems to be some confusion as what is needed.

Who will be supplying this information?

Is there an implementation date?

Here is the web site:

Do a search for chapter 0433 in the 2007.

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Replies to This Discussion

do you think you are going to need that rope at the airport?
Does this apply to vollies also? I'm in Western New York, and I have tried to get my fire department to do the same thing...... and then they throw the "insurance liability" crap at me. (Incase it fails)
As far as I know it does.......

Information about the "rope law"

Also New York State Association of Fire Chiefs website has information.
I’m a Lt with a Vol FD in Wayne County NY and I know some depts. have started this but not all. Last I know OSHA states that all interior ff are required to have some type of bail out system and it is your home department’s responsibility to provide this. I am also a member of a FAST/RIT team along with a technical officer, so I’m up to date on rules and regs as to that and it states that all your required to have is a harness of some type, 2 Carabiners, a decent device and rope. You can check around for reasonable pricing on a complete kit or piece together one. Some of our members have built there own kit and submitted a bill for reimbursement. has reasonable pricing and you can make your own kit for $68.46.

Bail Out Break Down
50ft 8mm rope - $28.49
2 Screw Aluminum locking carabiners – $7.99 ea total $15.98
Figure 8 Descender - $17.99
20ft piece 1” tubular webbing - $6.00
Total -$68.46

If someone has question about using a bail out kit contact me at and I'll be happy to help you

All inside people have them here in Bridgeport
We Carry a 50 foot length of Life rated rope and 2 carabiners on every air pack....and we also have all interior Firefighters trained in Firefighter Survival.....Paul

Sad to say here in our country, we lack those rope rescue equipments. im from the Philippines

Yes, if you are a interior firefighter you need to have a bail out system of some kind. Your department or village should be buying them. You are also required to train with them once a year. We do ours in the early spring along with OSHA, HAZ-MAT, and blood-borne pathogens refresher every year. This came right from the PESH office i went and talked to.


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