You need to be a member of National Registered Paramedics to add comments!
Comment by Jeff Martin on March 24, 2009 at 10:16pm
Any state that is a National Registry state for that level of certification should accept your card. You might need to take a protocol test or other exam for the area you are looking at. You can look on the National Registry webpage and get the contact infor for the state you are interested in and contact them for specific information. Their webpage also has a map of the National Registry states.
Hi my name is Leo Cartwright from the Latrobe Valley in Victoria Australia, I am a RAR Assessor with the Australisian Road Rescue organisation (ARRO) This year alone I traveled to Nelson - New Zealand in Feburary, will attend the Australisian Challenge this coming May in Queensland and then the World titles in Cardiff, Wales UK this coming July. My main position is assess the Medic at these events. It's amazing how different units/brigades tackle each task. most of them forgetting the basic of ABCs and the factor of will I place a C/Collar on the patient that has a history of mechanism and potential. I hope to pass on some information after the events. last week I attended the Holden training grounds in Victoria where new vehicles were cushed at the B piller, then cut and rammed, both Halmatro and Lucus hydrolics were used and both were able to cut these newer metals in these vehicles. some of the relieve cuts at the bottom of the A piller near the foot well may need some future work as this became time consuming which once was done with little effort.
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