Hey Brothers and Sisters:

I was wondering what you offer or receive for training at you tracks? I know the Big Motorsports Series are supposed to get together and try to make a universal approach to training. Until that happens waht training is out there? I know IRL, NHRA, ACRA, NASCAR, all have training classes, have you had any of them? which one do you like best? Or is their any others programs you like? Being a NASCAR series track, we have always had our own mandatory and refresher training every year. Now we are adding the new NASCAR modules which are highly effective and standard. I guess the NFPA 610 is starting to be the norm?

Also do you have live fire evolutions? Are they propane or racing fuels? Let me know what your procedures are on handling your live burns?

Thanks Again and Stay Safe: See you at the races!

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I dont believe the AMA has any training. The track I am associated with does not allow any medical personal to work alone until the senior staff feels they are ready. As far as firefighting I have never seen a fire in motorcross (that doesnt mean it wont happen). Our biggest challenge is packaging a patient on or near the track with a race continuing around us. The yellow flag zone around us helps but racers forget what caution means sometimes. For our safety the senior staff surrounds the immediate scene with the 3 medical ATVs. All of which are equipped with strobes or lightbars. If needed the lead medic has the authority to red flag a race.I have personally only used this once and that involved a fatality. Oh yeah our favorite test for rookies is standing them at the end of the front straight for the start of a race to see if they will back up before the bikes go into the first turn
Hey Jack

i taken the nascar class not to bad
We do our own at Road America. Our boss was one of the principal authors of NFPA 610. We have a spring training day every year as well as smaller things for each event or series. We do live fires once a year. We use diesel fuel. We also do extrication, EMS as well as worker safety and communications. We also do a lot with removal of vehicles from the track, flat tows, assisting wrecker crews, getting cars out of p-gravel traps (we are a road course), lifting cars with heavy equipment that sort of stuff.


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