So how many out there can say that they've have spent a night (or more), being a volunteer not on duty, at the station? Or have spent at least 24 hours straight with people from the fire department? How many have taken about a third o their company out of service by having a party together? or how many can say that they've watched the sun come up with some of the guys, having no calls that night? That's why I love my guys, they are my second family, aside from the fact that my whole immediate family, (except my mom), are firefighters.

Please share your stories. I'd love to hear them =)

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my fathers dept always gets together to celebrate holidays or even the superbowl. some members even have parties and half of the dept iS OOS for a day or two. other times a bunch of the guys would spend nights together playing xbox. one day after i was done working at an event with the ambulance i went over to my fathers dept and we played football. my dept has fun at events such as the past members lunch where we spent time listening to the stories of the former members. or the time we went to an anniversary parade and it was delayed by 45 minutes and the guys spent the time "preparing" . i llok in the cooler and there is nothing but beer. i look at the lt and say "what am i supposed to drink" he replied " we brought you juice boxes". some drills we even eat after drills. one drill all we did is eat steak and oher foods.
My guys are truely my extended family. We are forever getting together for something other than calls and training. Cookouts, drinks, just time to sit and BS, and when the Steelers start kickn butt again this year at least half our station will be OOS every game. The party will be at one house or another.
this story is from before i joined but it still gets montioned a bit around the station. and at this time there where only male firefighters in the dept. as night that has our scheduled training night a bunck of the guys decided they where gonna have a praty at the station. they all went and got a bunch of beer and what ever put black plastic over all of the windows in the truck bay and cleared out an area ond had a stripper come in with her turn out gear. i can't remember exactly how or why the whole thing got started if it was a b-day party or what but every once in a while we hear stories about it.
and all the times we sit around playin cards and b-sing till the wee hours in the morning or just goin over to wash trucks and stuff theres a group of about 7 of us that are ALWAYS at the station doin somethin just messin around or actually doing something productive
hey i know how you feel w the juice box thing i had to go make a store run many times because in the youngest on the department and the only one that isn't old enough to drink yet.... of course i get picked on about that too but
At our department we will sit out front on plastic chairs all night and talk. The brotherhood at my department is great. We have the Fourth of July every year and all of our fire department is there. I love being around the guys on my fire department. Going to Waffle House because its the only restaurant that can outlast us. Its great sitting there telling stories.

Every so often on one of our meeting/training nights, we'll grill steaks or fry seafood and just be a group of brothers & sisters instead of discussing building construction, how to pack a crosslay, or pre-planning a building. It's really cool to put the fire-related stuff aside for a few hours and just enjoy the fellowship.


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