does any one know about the fire fighter that was passed away from eaton

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I do, Eaton had 21 arson fires on thursday morning, toned at 3am for a garage fire. He was 41 years old and was on the calls. Friday night he was taken the the local hospital because he had a heart attack. He died Saturday at the hospital. Calling hours are Thursday from 1-6 and the funeral is Friday at noon. It will be a full firefighter's funeral becasue his death was considered a line of duty death. They have caught both of the arsonists
we it looks like two young men just lost the rest of there lives.
Hello Bitty,
I plan on attending the funeral of Firefighter Maddy but cannot find any information on where the funeral will be held. Would you happen to know where I could look or who to contact?
be held in eaton
yes, the calling hours will be held at eaton elementary school which is right by the eaton fire station and the funeral will be held at Delta High School which is on SR 28


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