Im currently in charge of training for my hazmat team. I am trying to setup a training program for the team. I was wondering if anyone had any past experiences or power point or training programs that they use or have used. If you do and you don't mind me using them can you let me know.

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I have awareness, operations, and technician level training programs that are currently being used by Georgia. If you send me your mailing address, I will burn them all to disk and mail them out to you. Way too much information to send via e-mail.
Thank you very much. It would be a big help. You can send it to:

Hanover Park Fire Department
Attn: Nicholas Rossberg
6850 Barrington Rd.
Hanover Park IL 60133

Again I thank you very much. If there is anything in the future you need I try to help out.
Greetings from Rockford! I know MABAS Division 8 just received a weather station that is used with ALOHA. Personally, I don't think you can go wrong with scenario training with the CAMEO suite (if that's what you're using). We have a file on our department's computer network that has information on all of our monitors. Every HazMat technician on your team should be familiar with every monitor you carry. This would include how to do a pre-use bump test on the monitor and how to interpret the readings. You would be amazed and the number of techs that are not familiar with their monitors.
I don't know which MABAS Division you are in, or which department houses all of your MABAS equipment, but an indepth training on the HazMat ID unit from Smiths Detection is always a great drill! I'd love to exchange more information if you so desire. Have fun and stay safe!
Hi there, I'm with MABAS 2 & 12. We don't currently use CAMEO but I have it on our station computers. I'm in the process of teaching myself how to use it. I have been to the Hazmat ID training and your right it is a very good class. I did not know you could do training scenario's on CAMEO. I will check into it. Like I said I just started trying to figure out the program. I agree with you some of my people don't know how to read these monitors. We house one of the MABAS 12 trailer. MABAS 2 we have a squad with decon equipment and some monitors but the rest of the equipment is in South Elgin FD trailer. If you have any information that you think would help me with CAMEO please let me know.

Thank you.
Question: Iam a german FF with HazMat certification and experience. When you get some documents about us hazmat training, can you send me. Iam interesting how you work.
tc ss
David Pleiss

Can you please sent me the haz-mat Awareness, ops and tech training programs that you listed available on FFN.

Thank you,
Kevi Schulz

My address is

Attn: Kevin Schulz
South Beloit Fire Dept.
429 Gardner St
South Beloit IL 61080


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