One Sunday morning at about 0605 the tones go off for a male pt bleeding from the scrotum...OK I'm not a guy but I could imagine that would freak any male out! Off we go, I should mention we were an all female crew. Arrive on scene to be greeted by a 70 something year old man coming out to meet us in his bathrobe, no underpants or PJ's...or belt on the robe!
Walks straight up to me.. no pun intended and says "I have a bug bite and it's bleeding, take a look." I try to keep a smirk off my face and ask him to close the robe...which he is unwilling to do. Direct him to climb into the ambulance and have a seat in the cpt. need to dirty the cot for this. Visually "check" the area, keeping far away , drape him in a sheet and take his vitals. Then we just sit there all the way to the hospital while he continues his monologue on how he was bitten, why the bite is bleeding and shouldn't I (me, not him)be doing something to stop the bleeding? By the way, I've seen more blood after a glucose check!

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Sounds like streaking has taken a new twist for the baby boomers. Reminds me of that scene from Mother Jugs and Speed.

Thanks for sharing!

I am cringing! OUCH!
I tell you what, you see alot of strange things in the biz. About a month ago we had an unconcius/unresponsive. When our first responders made it on scene, the gentleman was in the bathroom. Apparently his wife had tried to talk to him with no response so she called 911. I think he was just taking a nap!!


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