Just was wondering if there are other fire police companies that get treated like crap from the rest of the companies? Our company is always getting put down. they say that they don't need us, But guess what as soon as there is an accident or a fire they are calling for us. I get tired of hearing that we are important, I think we are important as much as the next guy. We do keep the scene safe and cars off their butts......I don't know just wondering...

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We've never been told we're not needed They just forget about us and we never have the right gear or enough people to things the correct way. In a dept of 75-100 we have 4 F.P. and 2 recruit's that ain't enough to me by and standard.
It sounds like us...we have ten members but only 3 of us show up. They always forget us when it comes to getting gear.

Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.
- Sherry Anderson
We don't even have good gear to give the recruit's.
I know what you mean the dept. i'm in we have to fight for any eqipment we get. Its a shame that you all get treated that way. Hey keep you head high & be happy when your on a scence at least you know that everyones safe. Fire Police will be reconized one day.

I was thinking that i maybe we can send our old stuff out to you if you like at least you have things to give to your new reruits. I will pass it by our company and see what they say. We just received new vest and the old ones are just sitting there.I will let you know.
We just had our monthly meeting and it was really nice.. because finally got reconized for the work that we have been doing. well some of us did anyways. I was personally asked to help out at pump class this weekend by asst. chief. It is nice to be asked from them because It makes me feel like he likes what i do.
Yea Bunker if you can see I'll talk to my Capt. and maybe we can work something out. Today we had a call it started out as an oder invest. ended up as a minor haz-mat. My Capt. and I blocked one lane of traffic and did crowd control by ourselfs. We had our squad there but for some reason we as fire-police are not allowed to us it so we had no advanced warning at all. all there was, was about 25 18in. cones and one of us. I was gonna put my POV in the road but I never had the chance.
We are not treated like crap in my deparment. All my fire police are firefighteers or emt first. Our fire police are usually first on scene. We size up scene and get info out on the radio. We do what we need to do to help out at scene. If we have to fight fire then we do it. If we have to use the tools to get somone out of a wreck then we do it. If there is enough help then we do a fire police thing. We have respect from everyone in are deparment and we respect everyone else.
In my Dept. our fire police are just fire police, we have other members who are trained but there are 5 of us that our only thing is fire police.
For too long the fire police have been the "poor stepchildren" of the fire service. I have seen the disrespectfull attitude that you are experiencing and it BITES !
Our fire police unit is made up of members from the four hose companies that comprise our department, so the volunteer companies know us and the importance of our job.
Through a lot of hard work we have earned the respect of the paid firefighters in the department as well. They know that when we show up on scene they don't have to keep looking over their shoulder ... they know they can do their job with a higher level of safety.
That respect goes beyond the paid and volunteer firefighters. The city Fire Bureau and the city administration have worked with us to improve our equipment and make changes in our operating proceedures which enable us to the best job possible. And the city police love it when we show up at an incident ... it frees them up to do their investigation duties and to cover more traffic control points.

It takes a lot of hard work to change old attitudes and gain that kind of respect. That's a lot of cold, rainy nights standing on dark street corners, a lot of hot afternoons working in traffic when you'd rather be enjoying a cold one by the pool, and a lot of senseless,nothing calls, all the time showing them that, if they are there, you will be ther too.
Our Fire Police are gaining in respect from more and more of the fire company members and are totally accepted by our firefighting officers. We have 7 active fire police and can depend on at least three per call, since we are volunteers thats a good showing. We have gotten bunker gear from the department, and we have decent radios etc since we applied for a state grant to buy fire police radios etc.


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