Has anyone ever converted a tank/gun for use with 2200 or 4500 PSI air?

We seem to have an abundant supply of such air in the fire service and would love to figure a way to apply it to paintball to avoid the CO2 costs.

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just to show eveyone i love playing ball. and i am a maker teck.
this was in apg aug,2003
And i am trying to start a new team if any one lives in Indiana
thats old...
Are you asking if you can use and SCBA tank for your gun? There is actually an SCBA comapny that makes Cascade systems that makes custom conversions for paintballers. I bought an adapter so I could fill my paintball tank off of our SCBA cascade at the fire house. it cost me $45 and has paid for its self many times over. Lemmie know what you are looking for and ill get back to you.
That sounds great. Can you post the info here?
Here it is brother. Search around the site for what you need, but this should get you started. lemmie know if it helps.Glad to see fellow paintballers on the job. Stay low.... In fires and on the field.

Technically, you CAN do this running the SCBA pack, however, I would recommend this:

Using an old pack/frame, no regulator or anything, just to hold the tank.

The proper couplings/fittings to adapt the bottle to the hose line (Properly rated!) for such PSI. and a regulator on the gun (marker) to bring it down to correct pressures.

thats it really. hell you could probably do this with a 4500 if you wanted to (as they already have 4500 paintball air tanks)

I would recommend Palmers for the regulator, as the stabilizer is a very durable and easy to work with regulator. call them up and see what they can do for you, they might be able to make a setup for you as far as adapters and hoses go...

http://www.palmer-pursuit.com/a1/ gotta love the double barrel paintball guns they make :-D
co2 will last longer but i fund out the hard way it can ruin a gun pretty quick, the liqiud in the bottle can get into your gun and then you got problems.. i solved this by ordering a smart valve with an anit siphon tube from smart parts from my co2 bottle and it realy works wonders. co2 can last longer then compressed air but i found compressed air to be cheaper then co2. If your playing outside in the cold with an electronic gun i would recomended compressed air cuz the gun will freeze and you will get frost bite on your fingers


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