We have a Belgian, a quarter horse, a Shetland pony and a miniature horse. We had a Percheron but it died last year, it was 28 years old.

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we have a 9 year old paint mare and a 17 year old quarter gelding who dont get rode near enough
I have 3 Belgian's, 2 Hackney horses, and 22 Shetland's and of that almosy all of them drive. We show the Shetland's at the Natinal show's. We use the Belgian's to pull, logging, and to run a livery service. The Hackney's are just getting started on the carridges.
We have 3 walking horses,1 quarter horse,1 paso,1 racking horse and 1 spoiled white donkey
I have a 27 year old quarter horse mare (chestnut) and her baby... a 4 year old bay quarter horse mare. My favorite color is buckskin and gurella. My favorite breed is quarter horses, but I have worked with Arabians and I love just about any horse that is not flat out mean.
I have a 27 year old 1/4 horse gelding from DocBar who pretty much has earned his way to being in the pasture. I also have a 17 year old pal. paint mare who is just a huchie mama. But got to love her. Have done rodeo, Cross Country, gaming,( which has been the best), Jumping, highest fence being 5'6" which was awsome. Now we trailride and do pleasure now and then. Have had the horses for 41 years and will have them till the day I die.
22 y/o Purebred Throughbred Gelding
12 y/o Purebred Quarter Horse w/papers Gelding
6 y/o mule, female

I ride bareback or with a bareback pad.

We have Quarter Horses (Palomino Halter Mare by Perpetuation 8x world champion) (23 yr old  Buckskin mare she is a pet now)  (6 yr old Champagne Palomino Stud x Champagne Cadillac) (Weanling filly by VR Kid Santee and out of a daughter x IMA Cool Skip.  We raise and show AQHA & PHBA halter horses.



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