My mom was real sick and had got up in the middle of the night to go to take her pills and as she got to her living room she collapsed from being dehydrated. All her muscles went limp. She could not yell loud enough for her male friend to help and her dog was by her side and started barking constantly until her male friend came out to her. Her dog saved her life because when she got to the hospital they told her that her heart is also a muscle and could have stopped from the severe dehydration.

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I am a injured firefighter/medic. To me that work was my life. I worked full time with EMS and voluntereed as a firefighter and vol. EMS. When I was injured at work in the start of the year of 07 I didn't think I would be handicapped still to this day. I was truely hoping to be back to work by now. Around Christmas time of 08/09 my husband knew how depressed I had become. So he did his research on or furry little friends and found out which ones stay closest to one person and found that bread to be the Chihuahas. And that just happens to be my favorite of all our furry little friends. So one day he told me he was taking me out, and as usual, I was so depressed I just didn't want to go anywhere. But I went and to my happy surprise I met my new best girlfriend. She weighed a whopping 2 pounds. Her name is Victoria Belle and she goes every where with me. All my docs have gotten used to seeing her, and the nurses love her as well. The gift of furry doggy love has really got me out of my serious depression. Ain't our furryfriends great?
My dog Flash has lived through two hit and run car accidents and was a great companion for my mom of 93years,he may have never gone into a house fire to save a life,but he has other great qualities,one being my bestfried,he is 12 years old and still going strong !He is a beautiful golden retriver and loved by all who know him!

This is  a photo I took about  1992,  I worked in a  Smaller sized  North Eastern  City and  in part of the hood, We  responded to a 10 am  Apartment  fire  in a 3 story  WF,  Assigned  to the truck, I   had a hook and  water  can  located  a  Mattress   fire on the  1st  floor... We  moved  the  Mattress and  Box  spring  and  bed  boards  out into the  rear yard,  trying to say  the hose drill as best we  could,  Much to My surprise  After  dropping   the Smoldering  Mattress &   Box string in the  Concrete  Yard, going  back in to check for extension,  When I went back outside  I noticed  The  Pit bull  chained  out back  who had begin  shreding the  covers  and  began   dragging  the  smoldering   linen  into  the puddle  to  extinguish the  fire... lol  Doggone   funny  Glad I had the  disposable  camera.....


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