Karen Burton
  • Female
  • Havelock, NC
  • United States
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Karen Burton's Friends

  • Jody Blackburn
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp
  • mike 'chevynut"  himmel
  • Denise Co 29
  • Firefighter321059
  • George
  • Leo Cartwright
  • Bull
  • Rob Fritsche
  • Debi

Karen Burton's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
6 going on 7 (currently on the injured list)
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Twp 6, Station 22
Years With Department/Agency
6 to 7 years I think
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Elite Medical Transport
My Training:
I got my training at Western Carterett Firestation. My instructures name was Art n he was the coolest teacher ever. He was not boring like most teachers, he drilled a hole in ur head n poured the info n till u got it. He was funny, but he was serious when he had to be. I have nothing but the greatest of respect for this man.
About Me:
I am an injured EMT sitting on the sidelines n it stinks. I watch my son go to the fire dept. for training on Thrus. night and I have to sit at home. My medic bag is getting spider webs on it cause it hasn't been used in so long. I used to be able to stop at 10-50's and assist untill our ambulance came or if I was out of my jurisdiction then I would wait till their bus came. That was so much fun, now I have to pass 10-50's by and the most I can do is call 911.
Day Job:
Sitting on my arss, or going to my numerous doctors appointments.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I wanted to be in the medical field; however; I wanted to be the first one to get to the patient in the field and give medical assisstance.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I can save a life like I did one time before. The lady was dead, and we brought her back to life and now she is healthy and happy.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Money for the voi. fire stations they join. Money as well for the companys they work at, keeping them in business.

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At 7:07pm on February 27, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Thanks Karen for the letter. I would like to comment on a few things.
I: Your Chief, I’d be telling him where to get off; females are here to stay and it’s not up to him to decide or differ. He has to build a bridge and get over it. Over here in the Land of Oz, that type of behaviour would not be tolerated and it would most likely end up with him in court.
2: What are you trying to get fit and return to work, you need to rest the injury to 99.9% before you return. There’s no more important person than you, take it from me, an injured and mentally scared bitter man.
Over here the Fire Service, Ambulance service and Police are all separate identities. We work together but housed separately. I work for the State Government under the Dept; of health services, Police are governed by the Dept; of Justus. In our major cities like Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, all have there Permanent firefighters as you go some 20-30klm out of the cities, the Country Fire Authority that’s over and services the rural areas. Where I live, 2 major stations are maned by permanent staff and work with volunteers, while all the other stations are solely volunteers. (God I can talk can’t I) As for my position, I am a Station Officer (equivalent to your Captain status) I was in-charge of a station, I then was seconded to the University where our paramedics are taut, came back on the road and within 3 months of that I injured my back and hip when I was dropped off a ‘Stair Chair’ while training in it’s use. I have not been on the road since. Now you know why I am a mentally scared bitter man. I now work in Operation Centre where all the “000” calls are taken, so I suppose I hatch and Dispatch.
Well that’s about all from me, you just look after yourself, get fit and show your Chief that’s there is no stopping you.
Cheers for now - Leo
At 3:50pm on February 26, 2009, CHRIS PUYLARA said…
At 4:06pm on February 25, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Karen, there you go, thats the stuff! Hope you have fun and meet lots of new people.

At 10:56am on February 25, 2009, Debi said…
Thanks for the add! I know what it's like to sit back and watch. I chomp at the bit every time the tones drop.
At 4:08pm on February 22, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Hi there Karen; Get well enough to work, but don't rush back. Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
I also collect Patches and badges; If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my State Ambulance Service Badge, (patch) for exchange of one of your service patches,
My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU) and/or my address is:-
Leo Cartwright J.P. 246 Kay Street; TRARALGON; Victoria; Australia; 3844

Cheers Leo
At 4:23pm on February 21, 2009, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Karen, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

Chief William Sharp
Southern Oregon Coast
At 5:36am on February 21, 2009, SHAMS said…
welcome to this big family
be safe & have fun
At 9:28pm on February 20, 2009, LJ Raniszewski said…
Welcome to FF-Nation from the JERSEY SHORE (Cape May County)

Stay Safe.

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