There is a place that not many know...

With fields of wheat that farmers grow...


In this town with a color by name...

You will find a dept without any shame...


They take pride in the trucks no matter there age...

From turning wrenches to buffing the paint...


The truck in question is still young at heart...

A 78 model and full of spark...


She may not be much but it’s all we have...

Missing some paint and a pump gone bad...


I could only imagine the day she was new...

Gleaming with red and the chrome bolted thru...


But the day will come when she can take no more...

Not able to get out that fire department door...


If she could only speak, the stories she could tell...

Of the lives she saved and the scenes from hell...


She has been a mother to all us guys...

Turned us to men without despise...


As time goes on she needs replaced...

She’s done her job upon this place...


But for now she will have to do...

In hopes will get something new...


By Chief Norman

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