
firefighter poems

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Could You Love A Firefighter?

Started by Ana-Maria Garcia Mar 17, 2011. 0 Replies

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Started by CHIEF NORMAN Feb 19, 2010. 0 Replies

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Comment by Roberta Torres on May 31, 2011 at 3:41am
these poems are awesome .....very nice
Comment by striker on December 30, 2009 at 4:02pm
this was written by my 13year old daughter constance

Busting out windows
kicking down doors,
That's what my daddy,
the firefighter's,for.

To put out our house fires,
and keep our pets safe.
Forever they protect,
though soon death they may face.

Terrible, harmful flames,
are no peril for them.
For they know a firemans's tears turn,
to rain when they go to heaven.

They bolt from the table
or right from their bed.
Think of my words,
the words you have read.

As i write by a candle
i bid you good night,
pray for a fireman
a heavenly fireman's flight.

dedicated to my daddy
corey lee fehr sr.
on his birthday
Comment by Fred Eppinger on October 9, 2009 at 12:42pm
I Am A Firefighter
By Fred Eppinger
August 1997

I am a Firefighter; I am a DragonSlayer.
I have entered the lair of the beast and engaged it in mortal combat.

I am a Firefighter; I am a Dancer.
I have entered the gates of hell and danced with the Devil, until his desire to dance was destroyed.

I am a Firefighter; I am a Human Being.
I make mistakes and I learn from them. I have fears and I confront and overcome them. I ask not for admiration, only respect.

I am a Firefighter; I am not a Hero.
I do what I do for the love of the craft and a desire to help others.

I am a Firefighter; I am not an Immortal.
My brothers and sisters and I have suffered great losses, we become wounded and we recover, we go on and we remember.

Always a DragonSlayer. Always at war with the Red Devil.
Your neighbor, your family member, and always, your friend.

I am a Firefighter.
Comment by Fred Eppinger on October 9, 2009 at 12:41pm
Beware, the Dragon's Lair
by Fred Eppinger
October 1997

Beware, all ye who would enter the Dragon's Lair, for 'tis no place for the faint of heart and only a true Dragon Slayer will survive the test.

Those who will enter and return, shall be known as Dragon Slayers, and shall live high in the minds of the faint of heart.

Those who will enter and return unscathed, shall be known as having walked with the best.

Those that have entered and not returned, they have not died, for they shall live forever in the tales and minds of the brave.

Those that are faint of heart and will not enter, they shall walk in the shadows of the Dragon Slayers.
Comment by Fred Eppinger on October 9, 2009 at 12:39pm
Karen and Mike, Thank you both for your comments these are just things that stick in my mind ocassionaly and I put them to paper.
Comment by Michael J. Garcia on October 8, 2009 at 11:33pm
Awesome Fred so true in so many ways..Never really thought of it that way.
Comment by Karen Myers on October 8, 2009 at 11:25pm
Michael, I appreciated reading your recent post here. I pray for all firefighters and rescue personnel every time I pass a fire station or see the firefighters at work or on the way to a call, or just hear the sirens in the neigborhood. Those whose names I know I pray for by name but I always include all of you. You are an amazing family of men and women and your compassion for others and passion for the job moves me beyond words. Thank you for your service.
Comment by Karen Myers on October 8, 2009 at 11:20pm
Fred, I have visited your site and have enjoyed your writing. I am sadly not a firefighter, only one's sister and a wannabe but I do appreciate when I get to see what is in firefighter's hearts. The passion that firefighters have for what they do and the humble hearts of these men and women never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for your service. It doesn't seem like those words are enough, but I hope you will understand.
Comment by Fred Eppinger on October 8, 2009 at 8:28pm
One More Time
An Old Firefighter’s Request

One more time
One more time into the dragon’s lair
One more time through to the bowels of hell
One more time
Just one more time

One more time
One more time to feel the dragon’s breath
One more time to fight the Devil on his terms
One more time
Just one more time

One more time
One more time to go where mortal men fear
One more time to feel the rush
One more time
Just one more time

One more time
One more time one more good save
One more time a frightened life to rescue
One more time
Just one more time

One more time
One more time Lord
One more time before my time comes
One more time
Just one more time

Fred Eppinger
August 10, 2009
Comment by Michael J. Garcia on October 8, 2009 at 2:00pm
This week we honored our fallen brothers and sisters
We look at their lives as what we remember
The smile, the fear, and yet the satifaction in their eyes
It these memories that will live with us in our lives
Time may heal but time doesn't forget the sacrife they gave
Lets just remeber they are there protecting us
When we are fighting that beast known as Fire
God bless them as we do our job
Protecting those in our daily routine

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