Ok so my big thing is collecting apparatus photos. I try to keep a camera in my Durango a snag shots of apparatus every chance I get. Are there any other apparatus buffs out there and what are your collections like?
Mine at last count was about 3500 actual photos and about 4500 on discs.
I am also interested in swapping 4x6 and 3x5 photos. If anyone out there wants to swap contact me..

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hey Jim c

heck this out a friend sent this to me,its a American LaFrance GARBAGE TRUCK.Circa 1985.
how about this Oshkosh Tower Ladder truck.
I aways thought those trucks where cool.I have a "Tonka" 1/64 scale Truck.The Same body style as the oshkosh,made by Matchbox,painted metallic blue with a silver ladder.
itry to get photos when i can.I usually bring the didgital,or use my cell.

Top photo is from my cell,in '07.Bottom Photo is my Mom's from '86.Yes The Ferrara replaced the LaFrance,in 2006.
It is quite common for specialist fire apparatus builders to build other specialist trucks, particularly garbage trucks. A prime example would be Dennis in the UK. ........ Hi guys, nice to be here. I am a brand new member to Firefighter Nation and I am very pleased to find some fellow firefighters here with photography, model building and collecting interests. I am from New Zealand where we have a real variety of fire apparatus from different manufacturers around the world including many from the US. For example here in Auckand we have one of the few if not the only Aerialscope outside the US.

Our new 1st due engine, 2-1500, a 125th Anniversary Seagrave ! I have tons of apparatus photos on my website I am willing to swap: http://www.BrianDuddy.com


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