Eating Healthier and loseing weight


Eating Healthier and loseing weight

Wish to share ways to eat better and lose a few pounds

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Latest Activity: May 21, 2012

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Comment by Randy Linton on February 22, 2011 at 9:40pm
I am watching also, I lost 40 pounds last year around this time and have kept most of it off, would like to loose some more. My picture is before I lost the weight and I feel great. Good luck to all and it can be done I know.
Comment by Sarah on February 21, 2011 at 7:25pm
I'm starting to eat healthier.

Cut out most sweets (but the occasional chocolate and soda aren't completely gone!)

And started to eat a more balanced meal and exercise for 1-2 hours.
Comment by Harold Newlen on January 14, 2011 at 6:50am
I changed the way I eat and lost 100 lbs, I am now at a stand still and am looking for ways to get it going again.
I started watching what i was eating and cut back on breads and potatoes. I also increased the amount of vegies and fruits. I now snack on grapes, apples, or cherries.
Comment by Eric Scheirer on May 8, 2009 at 10:48am
Sorry I haven't been around lately, been busy, and my son just got voted into our depertment as a junior, On top of loseing weight I also decided to stop smokeing, My wife been great support as she going to the same. I've been following the weight watchers point system and worked really good at first but lost of wieght has slowed. Now trout season is in and I like eating fish I do have a simple recipe for the grill.

Lemon or Lemon juise
buttrer or can't beleive it's not butter
alum. foil

heat the grill useally by grilling corn wrapped in foil. Take the fish (I fillet all my fish), if you use a fish not filleted put just a little butter(or subsitute) in body cavity with a wedge of lemon or sprinkle some juice .
if you use fillet just skip this, then salt to taste , roll in flour put butter and lemon onwrap in foil grill about 5min on each side or till meat is flakey. note if you use whole fish the meat should flake offthe bone with a fork and the skin should just peel off.
Comment by Eric Scheirer on March 5, 2009 at 10:39pm
when I stated this comment, I was shocked to find myself at a whopping 314, and now I'm pleased to say I'm down to 290 and still loseing. This is about 1" of my waist and I can already tell that my energy is comeing back. Besides my turnout gear is stating to fit again. And so far all I have done is change some of my eating habits.
Comment by Lauren on February 26, 2009 at 9:46pm
how do people find time to eat healthy? btwn working 2 jobs (none fire related), emt school and fire dept... i barely have time to sit down let alone eat good
Comment by John Bierling on January 25, 2009 at 11:01am
Hey Eric, I’m a retired Fire Chief and understand the importance of health & safety for our responders. No Weight Watchers, no diets. I joined FF Nation to share my incredible wellness story with everyone. My life was saved because of this program. Many of us need to get healthier. If you’re interested in more information about this life changing program please send me an email at:
Thanks, John
Comment by Eric Scheirer on January 22, 2009 at 2:58pm
Looking for anyone else that maybe useing weight watchers or just havesome good recipes ..

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