I am just curious to find out how many other bases/posts/installations out there do the Wildland Firefighting mission and what standards do you require? We have been NWCG & DNR sanctioned as a teaching entity since 2004. We stay with the NWCG Standard, since the DOD adoption of all NFPA Standards. Since the NFPA references NWCG we decided it was the way to go. We have about half our department certified to at least FFT2. We do not have the actual Wildland Firefighting Mission as our sole responsibility, we have a division of forestry who hires temp's to work the season. Since 2004 we have taken a more active role in responding not just to Urban Interface, but to all the fires on the installation and off.

So, back to the questions at hand. What is your involvement in Wildland as a DOD Fire Department??

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Hi I am Greg Smith. I work for Fort Hood Fire Dept in TX.
We do wildland fire surprression as one of our normal missions. How ever only 5-10% of our dept is certified under NIFC and NFPA,guideline. As you no this is not required as its a Federal Military base and our units hardly ever go out of state. We do respond to mutual aid with near by communities but thats about it.


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