How do you become a DoD Fire Fighter?

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Hello, Kyle!!

And welcome to the group! First off, if you are over the age of 35...forget it. We are required to ertire at the age of 57 and the DoD will not hire anyone past the age of 35 for fire, EMS, or security/ police positions. If you are younger than that, the website you need to know for the Army is The Navy has a website as well but I'm not too familiar with it as of yet and the Air Force does all of their hiring through USA Jobs. Anyway, once you are at the cpol website, click on "employment" and it will open another page. From there, click on "Build A Resume/ View Status" and create an account and start creating your resume. When finished, submit it to the central database and be sure to email yourself a copy. Then simply start searching and applying for jobs that you are ELIGIBLE to apply for. I say that with emphasis because if you are not eligible your resume will not be referred for selection. I hope this answers your question and I wish you luck with your search. Keep in touch and stay safe!!
You are absolutely right, Chris...the age is 37!! LOL!! TYPO!! Oh well, I never claimed to be an office clerk. Later!! Be safe!!

Hello! Chris mentioned Cerifications. He is 110% correct with that statement. For instance, here at Ft. Lewis we stopped hiring entry level firefighters a long time ago. For one thing, the pay scale for entry level is very low. Here is a sample of what we require for a firefighter hire. You have to have the following certifications, and they have to be IFSAC or DOD certified - Firefighter 1 & 2, Airport Firefighter, Hazmat Technician & Wildland Red Card (NWCG). You also have an edge if you have a National EMT Certificate, if not you may be given a year to get that. Most of our new hires have their EMT, and of course those that do place higher on the list. The other thing to remember is that most, if not all, DOD departments still work a 72 hour week. Our shift here is 48/48, and then you throw in a 4 day break about every two weeks and then an 8 day break about every two months. The pay scale is a whole nother world. It depends a lot on what state you start out in. Another thing that is dependent upon where you start out is what Union you are in or if there is even one there. We are IAFF, but there is a number of other Unions covering DOD Firefighters like AFGE. I have to say one thing extremely positive about being a DOD Firefighter though, and that is our retirement & retirement health benefits are unbeatable. If you plan it out from the first day you start on the job, you can sit very comfortable in retirement.

I hope some of this information helps out too...

Stay safe out there, and if you go on a wildland fire, keep one foot in the black.

how do i become a dod fire fighter member
Well guys you are all right, but keep a few other things in mind that have changed recently. Now the age does not matter if you are retired from any branch of service. This recent change has not been out long. the firefighter retirement os out for those individuals, but they can still make a great pay. It is going to make it hard for the young folks trying to get on. We, at DLA, are 48/72 and I love it, having more time with the family. I see in the future that becoming a standard here in Virginia. Most of the bases between DC and Carolina are going to it or trying it now or 2011. Also, FFI and II, Driver OP, HAZ Tech, EMT B (min.) are going to be the min. in the future and have to be ProBoard or not accepted. They will be sent to DOD cert. to be changed over. If you want a job in Va base, ALS is going to be the future.
Per my understand and good grape vine A.P Hill in Va. is about to hire somewhere around 15, but on their last list they have 130 plus veterans for 1 position so it is getting tough. Now you have the options for Fort Lee, but I will let you known that Chief is a bit.. to work with. I spent time there and 44 people have left in 3 years, so judge for yourself.
I have been with the IAFF and now AFGE, also on the Fire Council. IAFF is really always been there for DOD, Jimmy Johnson is the VP 16th and is the bomb. AFGE is trying to regroup and hope to get moving in the right direction soon.
Hope this helps and anything else just let me know


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