Connecticut fire / emergency photo-video


Connecticut fire / emergency photo-video

This group is for the CT fire buffs to discus media related, fire ground operations, equipment types, Does and don't of our operations, and what every else comes up. I hope we can share info to improve our quest for the best shot possible.

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Latest Activity: Feb 18, 2014

Deepwoods Dr W/F high winds low water supply.

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Comment by Rob on July 31, 2009 at 10:08pm
having upload problems
Comment by Rob on July 31, 2009 at 10:07pm
Comment by Rob on July 31, 2009 at 10:05pm
Noank Boat Explosion 07-31-09
At 07:20 Noank and Groton Long Point responded to the Noank Shipyard on Pearl Street. For a report of a boat explosion with fire and a burn victim. Upon arrival of Eng-42 at Dock "C", heavy fire was shooting from the boat, crews stretched a 1 3/4 handline to contain the fire to the boat of origin. A First alarm was requested by G-4 (Chief Steel) for do to the exposure problem and the heavy fire conditions. Mystic River ambulance and L&M medics transported the Victim with burns to L&M Hospital, Later he was transferred to Bridgeport Burn Center. The fire was fed by Diesel fuel and boating material. After a short time the fire was placed under control. The Boat was purchased about a week ago, List price was about $150.000
Comment by Rob on June 10, 2009 at 11:33pm
Willimantic, 3rd alarm 02-24-09
Around 13:30 Willimantic fire was dispatched for a building fire at 138 Chapman St. (Note they were operating at a EMS and now are running short) As they arrived the found a 2.5 story wf apartment building with a fire on the first floor spreading rapidly. In a very short time command requested a 2nd alarm. The crew made a aggressive attack on all floors as the the fire made its way to the top floor via the void spaces. On the third floor they attempted to make a push but due the the heavy fire conditions along with changing winds. Command with drew the firefighters as the roof sagged and the burned trough. As the towers were placed into operation over the power lines as heavy fire vented from the rear of the roof. After a short time, of master stream operations the heavy fire was knocked down.

Comment by Rob on June 10, 2009 at 11:30pm
A rare event. Hartford's Water tower 04-26-09
At the The Fire Museum the year was 1991, the last time they had the Water tower out for a demonstration. The day was perfect for the showing, The truck had a minor rough start but made three trips this day. The 1911 American water tower. Originally horse drawn, the tower was motorized in 1915 with an American-British tractor. It was in service in Hartford until the 1950’s, and was the only water tower to operate in Connecticut!
Several photographers were on hand along with the owner of Fire Apparatus Journal John Calderone. I could not stay for the full event so Patrick forward me the photos of the pumping demonstration.

Comment by Rob on June 10, 2009 at 11:29pm
Taftville 3rd Alarm 06-05-09
Info to follow Around 22:00hrs Taftville Fire responded to 15 Hunters Ave. for a report of a smoke detector activation with a smell of smoke. As the first due officer arrived he found heavy smoke coming from the #2 floor calling for 2nd alarm with extra engines. The some of the occupants were still in the apartments. He evacuated the building as the first due engine arrive conditions change drastically (see photo below). At that time Command requested tower 1. The engine crew pulled a 2.5 and knocked down the porch area, then crews entered the rear of the building for fire attack on 2 floors of the 6 unit building, as T25 and other lines were placed to exposure protection do to some melting and burning on both buildings. Exposures were about 10-15 ft at the roof lines. As the fire was taking hold of the front section of 4 apartments and the cock loft, Command evacuated the building. The now defensive operations and great tower work and deck guns the fire was knocked down in a short time. The fire is under investigation.

Comment by Rob on February 2, 2009 at 4:15pm
Lebanon W/F 01-30-09
Around 8:am, Lebanon and several other fire departments were dispatched to RT-32 for a reported building fire, The address was not known at first. The fire was located in the small section that Lebanon covers at the Franklin boarder. First arriving companies found heavy smoke showing from a "L" shaped small mix use building complex. A request for a ladder and several tanker were requested. In a short time heavy fire vented from the eve's. Fire spread to two exposure's in a short time had damaged both. The tankers shuttled the water from near by water source. The temp was around 19.

Comment by Rob on January 23, 2009 at 5:51pm
Plainfield W/F 01-22-09
Plainfield Fire and M/A companies were dispatched around 13:00 for a report of a house fire on arrival of first due officer he reported smoke from the rear of the building. After heading up a long driveway it was changed to fire from the rear of the house declaring a working fire. More M/A tankers were added to the fire, all water need to trucked in. The home was a 2 story WF with a "A" frame on the front. Within minutes the fire took hold of the entire house. A blitz fire was placed into operation on the window of the "A" frame. After the front was knocked down hand-line went to work. The fire spread to the attic area and self vented as crews worked to control the fire. In about a hour the main body of fire was knocked down. The crews overhauled the fire for some time after.

Comment by Rob on January 16, 2009 at 12:24am
Norwich 3rd Alarm 01-15-09
Around 17:20; Norwich fire responded to 58 Hobart Ave, for a reported possible structure fire. On arrival nothing visible. Within min's a working fire was transmitted for the 3rd floor. The house was set on a hill, with about a 15' high walkway to the home. Crews found fire on the 3rd floor and reported fire below them in the floor. Condition deteriorated an took hold of the 3rd floor. Crews made a good push but were unable to gain control until the vent was made. Soon after the main body of fire was knocked down. For a while crews hunted down the hidden pockets of fire. The Temp was about 9degs out, with icing conditions. Companies on scene, Norwich, Taftville, East Great Plans and Laural hill do to the weather conditions extra companies were requested.

Comment by Rob on December 16, 2008 at 8:52pm

2nd Alarm, 2.5 story vacant house heavy fire on arrival, Bolduc Ln.
Taftville fire department. Eng-21
About 10 year ago

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