I will try to post photos at least weekly, some old some new. If you have one you would like to share please leave one. If we get more then one a week I welcome it. Leave some basic info, like Date, place, photographer, incident info. Please only photos that you have the rights to or they have been given to you.

Jewett City CT 08-11-07, Responded for a reported fire outside the building at 86 North Main St (RT-12). While enrout QV receved calls reporting the building involved. First in companies found fire racing up the outer wall into the attic and 2nd floor on the "B" side of the building. A 2nd then a 3rd alarm with special calls, for man-power due to the heat and fire conditions

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This photo is from the early 90s, It has been scaned so its not as sharp looking as it should be. Its a 1.5 story vacant house, a arson fire. In the photo, Yantic's old engine 32, Stolz, Eyberse and O'Connell are the members in the photo.
Man, I miss this truck...
Norwich 2nd Alarm, 01-23-07

Around 4:am the City of Norwich responded to The Cape Vedean Club on Talman St. a 2.5 story w/f converted house, for smoke coming from the building. City PD arrived and confirmed the report. On arrival a working fire was transmitted and members started the hunt for the main body of fire, Heavy smoke was venting as truck 1's crew starting venting and Engine companies stretched lines. After about 10mins fire started to appear in the front windows. One crew was operating on the first floor, and knocking down the visible fire when the floor gave away below one firefighter, he became trapped and a mayday was transmitted. At this time a 2nd alarm was transmitted and East Great Plan FD responded as Norwich firefighters started the rescue, as Tribal F.A.S.T arrived and fire conditions deteriorated the rescue was made. The Firefighter was rescued with-in a short time and he walked out of the building. After the firefighters exited the building Car-1 sounded the evacuation tone and crew's set up for an defencive operations. Over time the fire found it's way to the attic and self vented. Crews worked the fire scene for several hours. Other assistance at the scene, American Ambulance, Norwich PD, Norwich public utilities & works and Canteen 1. Conditions at the time of the fire was Temp 27degs, light snow and iceing conditions.

City of Groton, 1st alarm, 2.5 story W/F 01-01-07

Groton Ct. City of Groton Fire Department, responded to 52-54 Baker Ave at 5:36 am. For a reported house fire with a person possibly trapped on the 2nd floor. First arriving unit reported heavy fire on the 1st and 2nd floor and requested a Box Plus assignment, then a 1st alarm (Electric Boat 1 engine, Poquonnock Bridge engines 2 & Tower, Subase Fast & Ladder). A defensive operations using 2.5 & 1.75 handlines at first then both towers went into operations. Crews also dealt with down power lines and at time heavy rain. Other agencies on scene canteen 1, L&M Medics, Groton Ambulance and Groton PD.

Fire vents side "B" as PGFD stretches an 1.75 handline to the rear,
Tower 35s bucket in back ground.

Submarine Base Fire fighter streaches in to a engine copartment fire 8-14-07. At shift change on Tuesday the Submarine Base Fire Department responded to a reported engine compartment fire. On arrival the found heavy grey smoke pushing from under the hood. E-11 & E-12 responded. Photo by T Clapsadle

Around 14:40, Norwich fire responded to 55 Williams St. for a house fire, on arrival found smoke showing from the eves. Crews stretched a 2.5 handline to the upper floors. Fire took hold of the attic area. Bat-1 removed crews and went defensive for a short time. After heavy fire conditions crews went back to work and extinguished the fire. According to the papers the home owner was using a heat gun to remove paint, NFMO is investigating.
Around 09:45 Yantic fire was dispatched to 305 Washington St. For a stove fire/possible structure fire. About one mile out (Rt 2&32 – 395) a large header was visible by Eng-32 & Car 3. At that time Car 3 requested Taftville and one engine from Norwich and Mohegan tribe for FAST. Upon arrival of Car 3 & Eng-32 of a large 3 story 6 plex built in the late 1800s. Heavy fire was venting out the 2nd floor rear window on the B side, extending to the 3rd floor and eves by auto exposure. Car 3 requested a full assignment from Norwich and East Great Plain FDs. Three lines were stretched to the fire floor and too the floor above. Crews searched and attempted to knockdown several rooms of fire and extension to the upper floor and cock loft. The building contained many void spaces. Truck Cos (truck 1 & tower 25) worked the roof cutting many layers of roof. Conditions deteriorated and fire consumed the rear porch, one firefighter collapsed and was removed from the building. Command with drew all crews and went defensive. After a short time crews re-entered. But due to three layers of ceilings and rapid spread of fire all personnel were with drawn again. For the rest of the incident operations were defensive. Extra companies operated at the scene Occum, Laurel Hill, Subase. Support American ambulance, Norwich PD, Public utilities, Emergency Management and Canteen 1.

Remember for more photos, Check out www.nlcfirephotos.blogspot.com
Sorry for not posting over the summer. I have been occupied with my house and remodeling projects. I hope to be active this winter. Thanks for stopping by.

Norwich Peachtree Apartments, 6 Alarms

Norwich 2nd Alarm Vacant house

Yantic truck fire

Montville House fire

Colchester Junk yard fire

Norwich apartment fire

East Great Plain two car MVA double entrapment

Barn Fire Franklin Ct.

By Joe Murray, Recent Norwich Multi alarm.


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