Just a thought I have running rampid so why not share it. Glenmoor is always open for training with other departments people what ever the case maybe so here is my thought.. I wanted to start a thread here to see what ever things. List a training you have that you think others would like to have or par-take in. if people come great if not then no biggie its business as usual. i know sometimes it hard to throw someone in but why not get to where we can all work a little better with each other. There have been a lot of great classes this year and more to come.. but why do we only intermingle when its a big training. why not the little ones as well. so if anyone has any ideas throw it out here. if there is something someone would like to train on perhaps another department is better suited for that and can offer to join..

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Training isn't always about equipment or maneuvers. What about the way the men carry themselves in public? carry themselves at the station? Do you have guys that wear all the MY STATION clothes but don't watch the way they talk or treat strangers or their own members? If you don't train the membership on how to act or how to listen to the training officer how can you expect them to listen to another department on scene? Everyone wants to be boss. How pissed off,upset and embarrassed would you be if a command sent you packing from a working fire but thanked you kindly for showing up? Getting officers meetings together doesn't guarantee the results will be carried through. make what you want happen with your own men and continue to improve. don't hold back because your mutual aid doesn't agree,do what works for YOUR dept Joe public doesn't know how we should be dressed or even cares he wants the problem solved.on the other hand we as firefighters know better and when you get on scene without the proper PPE you just tagged your whole dept as being dumbasses and glad we don't have to work with them. They say they will see them on the 6 and 11 I sure don't want our dept to be the next near miss video at the FDIC. BE SAFE!!!
They don't see that end of it D they write their name down and not show up( much easier) BE SAFE!!!
This is turning into" an officers lets try to change the world of firefighting" fourm. Im just the so called "stupid fireman"so I might be typing out of turn,but then again I realy dont give a F#ck.Its good to make the push to change depts for the better but......It has to start at your FD. You need to get your FD in line before you can start to help someone else!!!! Then you can only help another FD if the buy in to what your selling, witch really never happens.We have been pushing the RIT training for some time now and only about 2-3 FDs in our area are trained and could actually function as a team at a working fire.This is because other FDs arent on the same page as us or dont think it is necessary training. Every fire dept has some type of internal problem that only they can fix,so maybe we follow the old saying" clean up your own back yard before you try to clean up someone elses"!!!!!! Then and only then can your FD help some other FD!!!
Thats the smartest thing ive ever heard a stupid fireman say. No really thats where it all starts.
The hardest part in what your sayin is to get the stupid fireman to change his mind on the negative thinkin that has been drilled into his head for years that the other dept. is a bunch of dumbasses. I know first hand how hard it is to try to change and work in my own dept let alone with the Mut.aid. depts
Lot of good points are made here. and Kenny if we are getting some where forward i dont give a f*ck who takes over the forum topic lol.. i see the how can we better another if we are not perfect ourself.. well here is my thought see what every one else thinks. back in the day we stayed to ourselves and trained. we kicked as and we had a good rep. not saying we where or are the best but we was very good and everyone respected what we did. I know me and someone else had, had this talk and it made me think. special when the other person i talked to brought it up. for the longest time i would be somewhere and watch someone working on scene and think WTF are they doing those idiots.. as it went on wasnt so much they where idiots it was we where stuck in the 1990's. by getting out with each other who says the back yard your cleaning up doesnt end up being our own???
I like the idea of training with other depts. no matter how big or small. We have a few guys that like to train. The problem is we get the info on training to late. If we could get some way of advanced notice 1-2 months I think more people would get involved ( atleast in our case).
Well my friend, I know for a fact that all the classes in the county from the county fire school on May 2nd until the present date, there has been atleast 2 months if not more advanced time to sign up. So you might want to talk to your training officer, because there be a lack of communication at your dept. when it comes to outside training classes.
Got a training opportunity via email today that sounds pretty decent. I know you guys are itching for different types of training. This training is offered, free of charge, by the Domestic Preparedness Equipment Training Assistance Program (DPETAP). DPETAP was developed in partnership with the FEMA National Preparedness Directorate and the U.S. Army's Pine Bluff Arsenal, the DOD's center of expertise for chemical and biological defensive equipment production and support. They currently offer more than 46 courses and exercises that range from 1 hour to 24 hours in length. I will bring the information to the county firefighters meeting tomorrow. The catalog is 35+ pages, so I will highlight the areas of importance and give them to Derek. I would ask that if this is something the firefighters want, then they need to decide (fairly quick) as I would need to begin coordination on this ASAP. Also, their are minimum class requirements, so pre-registration will certainly be a must. A great opportunity that we should take advantage of.

First off I didnt write that to stir the pot. I know a few times we get some training info and its late whatever the reason, noone putting on the training is to blame lets make that clear!!! My hat is off to the few that are trying to get this going, great job. If at all possible if an email could be sent to myself or Todd on the training so those of us that like to train will have the info early enough. It would be appreciated.

As far as the post DDay just wrote that im looking at about change and so on. Now I can go on for hours about that. Waist of time. We are having the same problems, older guys just wont let go of the past and so on. Now you see why we dont get the training info in a timely manner. This county is making some great progress for change, but we are always going to behind in where we need to be because the voice of change in departments isnt strong enough.( not all, but most). until the dead weight do nothings bitch about everythings get the hell out it will always be the same. With some luck and time all of us that want change and want to adapt to everyday fire service changes will eventually win out. Oh hell im done bitching for the night.
Just now getting a chance to read all this stuff. For some reason I can't access this site at work.. anyhow!

D-day - I am sure that cibula and todd have fill you in on how our training works... or lack there of.

I just wanted to throw another iron in the fire. You are going to have departments in the county... mine specificially that have people who WANT AND NEED to train... but because of bureacratic bull sh!t, nothing is getting done. Times are changing and so is the training... I feel that everyone is adjusting... some just A LOT slower than others. there are proactive departments and reactive departments. As people (firefighters) and leaders (officers) change... i feel that the departments will change, because they have to!
Good ten minutes in the street posted by Christopher Naum SFPE. BE SAFE!!!


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