What do we need or need to do in the county to make our fire service grow?

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I can speak from experience on the naysayers and the grief that I go though with the haz/mat training and all that training is free! I hate to say this, but to all those that think that this is bull shit, someday, somebody is going to get seriously hurt or killed and then they will have to start explaining why and what went wrong to OSHA, the attorneys from the families and deal with lawsuits and who do they first approach - the FIRE CHIEF. It's not that simple any more, we live and work in a very dangerous profession. And some don't want to hear about it or worse yet, just don't care! All they want is the hype that I drive a big red truck and say that I'm a Fireman.
Well good thing in Glenmoor we have GREEN TRUCKS lol. well said Willie. I think there is so much it "it wont happen here. or we never had a problem before", runs rampid in this county. Dont know what it will take for some to wake up around. Time will tell but its going to happen its not if. All the new trucks gear and toys in this world will not stop it. knowledge will perhaps hold it from being many.
If they think your a prick because you are watching their backs and making sure they are safe then tough shit get tougher skin. I was one of the first on my department to push for air packs on car fires. No one thinks of it as it is only a car but there are just as many hazards there to breath. Dumpster fires as well. Who knows what is thrown in them. There will be a time when lack of training hurts someone. Or even with the grants we fill out. You are a win tada then a major even happens your called and dont have a clue whats going on yet you claimed you are compliant.. hhhhmmmmm what will happen then??? some of these people should read a little bit look up on people who where burned. There is a ff that cant move because he was burned so bad that now when he moves his skin cracks and bleeds. We have to protect ourselves. New gear doesnt make a firefighter. New trucks dont put out fires. Fire fighters do. You have to know how to use your equipment. You have to be safe about it. People who half ass should look at the next fire. Your gears not on right your about to make a move that will get you hurt. Look over you shoulder see those guys behind you. They will risk their lives or give their lives to try and save you for being stupid.
If you are the kind of person to bitch about not having a white helmet you never needed to have. Just my thoughts. Training doesnt make perfect training makes permit. If you train half assed you will be half assed. There is so much knowledge out there. Via the internet, those around you. Dont be afraid to ask. To be afraid to look out ward.
Those people out there that complain because someone is looking out for them doesn't really know what a luxury it is to have someone doing that. But that also doesn't mean that we need to rely on another person to babysit us all the time. That is where this training topic comes in. Where if we (firefighters) take the iniative and attend trainings and learn certain skills then we (firefighters) will be able to function properly and not have to be babysat by the "white hats" all the time. I'm sure the chiefs and/or officers on here would agree that they are busy enough on the scene without directing around their FF's every move.

Also, if the tables were turned, how do you think the people who are ticked b/c they are not a "white hat" would handle the same situation???
Willie your so right everything comes down to the chief. I really enjoyed the Legel Fire Issues class at Reynoldsburg I hope the ORFC has this again it should have been longer. The county had a great showing out there but i would like to see more people there. Some guys just dont understand what goes into running a fire department. Ive learned so much since taking over for Tom And still have much more to go.
I am glad to see everyone getting more serious with training. The SCBA class will be a real eye opener I'm sure for everyone attending and I hope all the firefighters will keep an open mind and not think they already know everything being taught as you might get a refresher on a few things but I assure you that you will learn something new that you can take back to the station house and pass on. You might not think you learn much out of attending training seminars or taking a FF survival course but someday you might be the one yelling mayday and that LIFE flashing before you type of situation you will remember what you learned BELIEVE me you will. The life flashing before is really your brain searching for what you may have learned to get out of the situation that you are in... If you do get into trouble DON'T RISE TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS, FALL TO YOUR LEVEL OF TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE SAFE!!!
Kevin i agree with you completely and totally. Prime exsample is the brother from Prince George County. Kentland was on scene as RIT back. because they was there and heard the pass alarm they saved a brother. so many dont know the joy of knowing someone is watching there back. let alone knowing what to do in the situation. If you have not heard the tapes of the radio traffic from that call everyone should listen to them. the TRAINING is what kept them calm. it was like ice to hear them. 836 is calling mayday for down ff. Their training kept the scene from going bad quickly. i have oftened wonder what would happen here if that same situation went down. i know there are some departments that are ready to handle that situation. i will tell you how my deparment trains and trains hard. we are not ready to be put in that situation. but we are learning. we see that we have an issue and we are taking steps to cure that issue. how many will say their department is behind the curve in anything lol. as for the white helmet want to bes. anyone who will complain that much about a helmet is not ready to lead. they want it so they can say i am asst. or chief. not many are level headed enough to make that jump. the childish complaint of i want it i want it is the first sigh. many of us want a higher spot. but whinning about it doesnt make you deserve it. showing your skills your confidence is what brings it out. I am sure Tim will atest to what a major difference is between asst and being the man. even knowing it was coming to now its here. not many can stand up and take on the challange as he has. and i will say he deserves a pat on the back.
i cant wait for all the classes to be over and hear back from my people that are going to the air pack class. i know they will be learning alot from derek. if they dont it is their own fault. look forward to being out with everyone. and the events we will share in the future. be safe all watch your six
I have missed the I'm super firefighter pages so far. But i know there are some out there. Thats the difference between those who are great firefighters and those who claim they are the best. I have a $100.00 all these people who claim i don't care if i die in a fire would be the first ones screaming like a bunch of little girls. You can never be more than your training. Lets consider for one moment that in your hero rush, to die in a huge blaze of glory. What if the person you kill is a resident we are sworn to protect. What if your hero rush brings down the life of a child. Or one of your brother firefighters. As d said. If this is your reason to be here grab your stuff and get out. Same goes for anyone who knows everything about everything needs to get out as well. No matter how important you think you are. No matter how much you think the department would not run with out you. Rest assured my friend the doors went up before you they will go up with out you. If you want to be a hero become a COP.
Unfortunately, we all know guys like that. Personally, I avoid them like the plague! I won't go in with anybody who doesn't have the sense to be a little scared of what can happen. Also, few people piss me off more than the ones who think they're an authority on everything-'cause in all reality, THEY DON'T KNOW THEIR ASS FROM A HOLE IN THE GROUND! As far the the white hat wannabees, I don't want a white hat and I never have.
Hey, Max- how's this for a rant?-LOL
That's why I stay away from these guys. I try to keep a healthy fear of just what can happen, but I'm not scared to go in and get to the seat of the fire. As for me, I try to keep my mouth shut and let my actions to the talking for me.
I too missed the invinsable firefighter BS> You better watch out when you lose your respect for this JOB career or volly you will get burnt. That is my and should be everyones worst fear losing a brother or sister in the line . My guys are very close just as many of yours are and i dont want to have to tell anyone thier husband ,son whoever it may be was killed. Thats why we train thats why the officers are on you to wear your ppe,to go to classes ,to learn all you can.Thats why we need the school to succeed.To better preapre ourselves when the shit hits the fan.
No place in the public safety spectrum for arrogance or primadonnas!


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