i am curious if everyone thinks they are getting a quality education? I earned a certificate in fire science from a college, but the quality of my education(for example) allowed me to excell in fire investigation when i went into that later in my carrear. I knew how to do various scientific tests. i knew how to do reasearch, how to set up thermocouples in a test burn building and evaluate the data, I learned use various labratory equipment and learned about fire appratus from the scientific engineering side and yea fire administration, haz mat, management, tactics and all the other stuff you do in college that you think you dont need. i ask because i see (and know) many who have a A.S., B.S., but also have a D.K.S.(dont know sh**) degreee. "All the book lernin aint worth nothin it you can't put it to practical use". During the summers I interned and developed various professional contacts in the fire service that served me well when i made my move into the business. it is not my intent to belittle anyone's education i was just wondering if you believe you are getting what you paied for? you go to college to recieve a higher understandanding of things. i am greatful for the education i got and i encourage everyone who is serious about their carrear to get theirs but also try to absorb as much as you can. there are numerous advantures out there for you and some of it is very facinating

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I have to agree with much of what you are trying to say. I do have many weaknesses as well as I imagine most people do that have degrees. I am also sure that there are some that excel in all areas as well. But I also wonder about the "quality" of one's education and if one is able to do proper investigations and data reports to hold up in court when I see as many errors in spelling and writing as your comments above seem to have. I also don't want to "belittle" anyone as well, but I just found your comments kind of almost funny, in a sad way, if you are claiming your education or practical training is better or higher than another base on the documentation above. One most likely will excel best with a well rounded education while being able to express themselves both verbally and in writing along with practical experience of knowing what and how to do their job.

Sorry, this is just what comes to mind when I read your comments.

Joseph: Thank you for taking the time to comment on my comment. I have a tendancy to write and not concern myself with spelling sometimes in the hope that people will just accept it "as me" and understand that I understand the difference between the internet and court. On that subject, I usually don't go to court because what I do usually stops a case in deposition or discovery. The evidence fire investigators find does not decide guilt or innocence. What I find must be confirmed by labratory analysis and be relivant before it becomes "evidence". I will try to spell check more but I hop you can look past that to the subject matter of the blog which I thought was more of an issue than spelling...To claraify, I see and have known guys and gals that use their education as a "weapon" to "lord" over people or restrict their advancement and in the end "their" actual education was not worth the paper it was written on. I knew a training officer who tried to convince a class that two 2-1/2 hoses into a siamise can flow the same amount of water as a single five inch. the guy sitting next to me wispered (i was taking notes and missed what he actually said) that it was wrong. the instructor got pissed and proceeded to recite his resume and when he was done invited the guy up to the chalk board to explain himself. the guy does, ends up being right because he's a State Certified Engineer and the instructor was not and had to eat a crow about the size of a 737 and was not happy about it. I think he just should have apologised and let it go but it evolved into an executive pissing contest that (thank god) I was not involved in. my point is a question, does possessing a degree translate into the firehouse in the form of a better firefighter or offcier or chief these days? i think so but i have concerns about people that use it as a form of "eliteism". I know plenty of non degreed people that are fantastic firefighters and offciers...and yes i spelled hope and simeaze wrong (just having fun with ya)


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