Every day the Lord blesses us with something or somethings. Most of the time we don't have the opportunity to ponder, appreciate or share those things. Lets share them here.

For example, the other day on my way into work I came across two 6-point bull elk in the middle of my driveway. What a magnificent way to start the day.

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Ok, I live in the middle of Houston, TX in a small town called Jersey Village, again in the middle of Houston. Well, my home is situated across the street from a bayou and I am about 15 houses away from a wooded section.

Now, I can have the absolute WORST day in the world but on my way home 9 times out of 10 I will see the local residents before I get home, which include rabbits galore, possum, skunk and I've even seen one Big Fat Raccoon running down the road until he came to a storm drain and leaped inside.

My wife is from the country and they don't effect her much but I'm not and she cracks up at the way all these little critters make me react because I can't help it, I just giggle like a little kid. And some nights while driving home I've been known to just cruise around the neighborhood until I find something. I can't express how much seeing those little guys fills my heart with joy. They truly are a Blessing to have in my Life.
Feeling a little low last week and one of our 87 yo patients walks in with a big smile on her face and hands me a bag of home-made peanut brittle. Best peanut brittle on the planet. - Thanks Lord. I needed that.
Entertaining Angles, unaware!
Kind of like; stop and smell the roses! I work in a city where most little critters are most often noticed as road kill. TOo many people in too big of a hurry! Missing out on 'life'! How sad!!!
every new day is a gift from God. How will you spend it?
Today I woke and I wept. For at last I understood. Bear with me kids, this is two stories that converge.

First part: Three and a half years ago, my wife (an excellent Nurse Practitioner) and I decided to open a clinic geared specifically to the uninsured. Those between Medicaid and Blue Cross. We started well but things didn't quite work as planned. A year and a half ago, we had used all of our start-up loan and things were tight. Then we discovered a $40,000 book-keeping error and had to let all of our employees go. Since then we have struggled to save the clinic, working 72+ hours every week. We have fought, scraped, cried, cowered in the corner and have almost managed to stay afloat. On more than one occasion during the last year, we have come a cat's wisker from loosing our every worldly possession. We are worn to the bone.

Second part: My wife has always had this belief that she is going to die when she is 55 years old. Her grandmother died at 55. Her mother died at 55. She believes she will die at 55. Her sister believes she will die at 55. This is not a suspicion, it is a conviction.

Tomorrow is my darling wife's 56th birthday. The worries, troubles and trepidations of the last year have kept her attention focused away from the spectre of certain death. They have spared her the torment that woud have accompanied each day, had she had the time to think about it. What has seemed to be a year of anguish and exhaustion has, in truth, been a merciful gift.

Now, no matter what the outcome of saga 1, we can go forward without the shadow of impending death.

Thank you Lord.
Five days of grey, snowy cold weather. Today the skies are clear and the sun is bright. Thank you Lord.
I sometimes over look the blessings we have been gifted with in our children. The Lord has helped me to slow down and see the joy that is present in the small things in life. How much joy a child gets from helping others or a little trinket it just lites up their eyes and they shine. Thank you God :)
I went to work the other day, about 2 weeks ago. One of the guys had brand new fiber clipboards he was handing out. So, I took one and said thanks and instead of writing my name and phone # on it incase I lose it, I took a red marker and wrote "Jesus Saves, John 3:16, ?'s ask me" on it and drew a cross on it. I have recieved more comments and Hello, brother, Jesus does Save comments than I ever expected. actually, I expected alot of negativity towards it because of the type of "diversified" place that I work. Keep praising God and He will bless you too!
God gave me the bless of teaching. I have multiple disabilities and for each one I teach about how to over come and stay strong.
Every Day is a Gift for my Lord Every Day in My Firetruck is a Big Gift Too!! regars from CHile.
Chile Land of Earthquake 8.8 Four Tsunami and Miner Worker he he he!! my Land is a Big Big Gift of LORD

I wanted to share something special with all of you.

First off, I am new to the group and I was glad to see this group existed, I need to find fellow christians and be supported.

Last week I was on vacation with my family at a place called "Word of Life Inn" on Schroon Lake, New York.  It is a beautiful location, great views and peaceful.  I had been struggling with my faith the past few years and trying to find answers, and trying to find why I was not complete.  I never felt whole and it bothered me.  We attended bible study sessions in the morning and were free to enjoy the lake, pool and all the many things available to us at the Inn in the afternoon.  After 3 days of listening to the pastors who were presenting the bible study and seeing the wonderful things god was doing for my family and others there with us, I felt a new sense of peace and security envelope me, and a strength I never felt before.  I couldnt quite place what was happening to me, until I went to a camp fire service on Wednesday night.  I listened to the pastor and he talked about everything I was feeling at the moment, and it encouraged me like I was never before...He then asked for all that wanted to become closer to god and start a meaningful relationship with him to come forth and throw a stick into the fire and pray for him...I did.

The next morning I woke up and immediately new what happened to me...I came to the lord!!

I told both of the pastors and they were overjoyed, they prayed for me and encouraged me, and talked about me at their bible sessions that morning and everyone encouraged me, hugged me, and welcomed me.  I started many meaningful friendships that week, as well as my daughter and wife, and we will always keep them close.

Now that I am saved and starting out on my journey I was told to seek out others who can help me stay on track and be my "Accountability Friend".  I was overjoyed to hear that the lord uses the accountability system and incident command system!!!  So I ask all of you, will you help me as I help you? 

God bless all of you and I look forward to talking to you and networking with you, and maybe start some more meaningful friendships.

Stay Safe

Brian "Moose" Jones

Captain, Carlisle FD, New York


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