Ok...so I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. How does my being a Christian look to others while I am on Duty? I try to live my life in a Christ-like manner, BUT I fail all the time. I just want to open this up to all of you. What do you struggle with while on duty? Are there certain things that you do or don't do while on duty that make you feel like you are not living your faith to the best of your ability. I'll be honest...I swear like a mad man. I am usually pretty good about watching my mouth; but when I get on duty, I tend to slip right back into my old ways. I am just wondering what you are all thinking about this.

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Yo Brother, Take it easy on yourself. Call me liberal but, unless you are using The Lord Gods name in vain, swearing is a matter of a long standing habit of fire station communication and not a matter of faith. Sure it can be tastless or even disrespectful to some but it wont keep you off my list of Christians to communicate with. If you feel the need to clean it up, it will probably be because He wants you to. "We are not doing. We are being done." For me, the greater test is how well I avoid or rise above all the negative demoralizing personal shots our kind tend to take at each other. Please count in.
Thanks Padre. That sure is a good way to look at it. I guess I just sometimes wonder if if affects my ability to witness to the others. Although, it probably opens up a LOT more doors than it closes. If I was TOO good, they wouldn't even let me in the station! lol. Thanks for the words. Very much appreciated!
It is difficult at times to keep a positive attitude when there is so much negativity and gossip. One major thing that helps me each day is spending time talking to God in prayer. I try to be a good example in the way I act and the things I say. Sometimes they twist words around and try to make something out of nothing and that has just made me realize that I need to watch my words and actions that much more. One thing I try to do every Sunday that I am on duty is spend some quiet time in the dorm reading my Bible since I am unable to attend church. You know it is amusing to see their faces when they walk in on me reading Scripture! Also, in my short time here I have gained nicknames like "preacher", "reverend", and "deacon". My reply has always been it is an honor to be referred to as those names.
I think if we were all honest, we all fall short of the Glory Of God, yes? And He knows that. The thing is, (and I'm preaching to myself) we need to try to break the practice that we know is not glorifying to Christ.( Philippians 4:8;) Finally, brethren, whatever is true,whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, If there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. I've always said and truly believe, that what ever comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. So I know for myself I'm still cleaning house. I know that I have made some progress in this area as far as the talk is concerned. A couple of things I have observed is this. 1.) Some people just don't get it or don't realize your really serious unless you talk their language, (swearing). I found this out when I was in the service. 2.) You need to have another brother hold you accountable for your actions. I know that you can be mad and in an argument and not let you tongue spit fire and venom. I've been there and done it. And when it was all done, people were impressed at how I could be so mad and yet not use profanity. (a witness to those around me). Also if you have other Christian brothers in the dept. with you, and you let lose with the tongue, and they are younger in the faith, it creates a stumbling block for them. (Romans 14:22-23); It is good not to eat meat or to drink wine, or to do anything by which your brother stumbles.( vs.22) The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves. (vs.23) But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. Now with that being said with Christs love, I still fail when I'm by myself and smash my thumb with a hammer or a similiar situation. But I immediately ask my Christ to forgive me of my wrong doing. I don't know if this will help you or not in your question, but this is just my thoughts and opinion. Take care brother and stay strong!
Hey Stephen, Take a look at what the verse for the day is on firefightersforchrist.org. Dude, is that cool or what? I thought it was anyways. This is the first time I've been on this website.
Thanks Mark. And you are right about that verse...how fitting! I had never been on that site before either. I have always been the "rebel" for Christ, or at least, that is how I have been viewed. You know, the big tattooed, pierced scary looking biker type. (That was meant to be funny, not to offend anyone! ) I have always been so thankful for God making me how he did. I considered it a blessing because I have been able to share my faith in situations that your typical "Holy Roller" would be thrown out on the street. I know guys on our ambulance crew that won't work with women on night shifts and/or refuse to be in the room when someone is talking vulgar. I have respect for these guys because they stay true to their beliefs. At the same time, while I know that I swear WAY too much, I have been able to have some great faith discussions with crew members that these guys won't even talk to. It is a constant struggle to be the better man, but I also believe firmly in "blooming where you are planted!" I know that if I allow myself, God will use me and my foul mouth for his glory right where I am! Now, I am not saying that I shouldn't try to continually better myself...far far from it. I am just saying that this is a constant battle field for me.

We had another fire today, and I caught myself dropping some bombs. My crew actually laughed at me after a particual tirade. I caught myself and said, "Oh ****, I need to stop swearing so much!" Probably not how I should have said it, but it was enough to open up a door on the ride back to the station with one of my buddies.

I guess it's just something that I will continually have to work on in my life.
>>I guess it's just something that I will continually have to work on in my life.

We all do Stephen, you're not alone.
Brother, my heart goes out to you. I'll be praying for you. I can imagine that it was kind of comical at your fire scene today when you said that. I think I would have gotten a good chuckle out of it!

I think we all have something in our life that keeps us from being completly holy for Him. I will have to tell you about a good study that I have to keep going back to to remind me of how subtle little sins keep us from being all that we should be for Him. I'm no better than the next guy brother. We are all in this together. Gotta go make myself exercise now. Trying to make it a habit. Talk to ya later. Stay safe and keep looking up. Hey by the way, go to my profile page and check out the videos especially the second one. It keeps you on your toes and thinking.


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