I have been a FF and a paramedic for over 11 years now and I still feel like I got a world of stuff to learn. I'm confident in what I know and the things that I've seen, but I'm even more confident in the fact that there is so much out there in the Fire Service that I haven't seen or learned yet.
Been in the fire service 8 years a captain for 4. Also 2008 Delaware state Heroic Firefighter of the year. and 2009 Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association Hall of Fame Inductee
WOW, Well I'm one of the newbies. I've been an EMT-B since January and I'm in Fire academy now - Graduating in December. Love It??? YEAH! I sit at a desk all day long writing spec's, standards, guidelines and quotes as a contractor in the fiber optic telecom industry and I MISS being out in the field. I Discharged out of the Army National Guard in 2002 so I had no outlet until I joined my local station. WHAT A BLESSING! I Love Being a part of the Camaraderie, helping those in need (and watching them go from Panic when you first pull up on scene to a sense of calm when you deliver them at the ER). And I CAN'T WAIT for my first Real Fire! I am 37 years old but being a part of all of this now I feel like I'm 21 again! Blessings to ALL of you that I've joined this Brotherhood with!