What type of vehicle does your department utilize for brush responses? They vary around our area. Our District usses a Hummer wich was manufactured by "Fire Attacker".

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hey steve,i just got a call from your department about my applcation. i don't remember who it was i talked to on the phone but, he asked if i was still interested in joining the department, i told that i got into the eureka frie reserve program and he said it was a good program and to stay there and let him know if things don't work out there to give him a call and he will see what he can do. but said i would be going though kinda the same FF 1 and 2 class, but he said there are somethings your department does different. at least i got the call. at least your deaprtment was still interested in me. the eureka reserve program is a very intense class and they pick the people they think are going to be a good firefighter. it took me 2 times and i finally got in the second time around. the fisrt time they only did an interview and the second time they did an interview and a little combat challnage. hope that we can see each other at the training tower. good luck and be safe. sully
Im glad to see that they finialy called you. If things don't work out with Eureka give us a shout in the future. How does the old Jeep run. That truck is next to Six flags station #2 correct? Good chattin with you.

This is our 1971 deuce and a half from Ohio Division of Forestry it has a 250 gallon skid unit from finlay fire equipment with 14 gallons of foam.We also have a 1983 chevy also with 250 gallon skid unit
1965 5 Ton, 1200 Gallons of water 300gpm pump 1hose real and 1 deck gun off the back.
Thats a awesome truck, ODNR offered us a 5 ton but that was a little bit bigger than we wanted. how much did that hard top cost we have been looking for one?
How do the large deuce and a half work in the woods? Mostly in our area which is very hilly we have trucks like our hummer, jeeps and several one ton chassis type trucks.
The hard top came with the truck when we got it
They work great, we also have alot of hills where i live. We protect a state park and we can either plow over trees that are in our way or run it on a creek that runs through the park.
Great minds think a like and great trucks look a like. we applied for a water buffalo but never recieved it. Nice web site


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