Where did you serve (base and unit) and when did you serve there?

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I took basic training at Ft. Dix, NJ in July 1988 followed by AIT at Ft. Sam Houston, TX for combat medic (91A). My first active duty tour was with the 560th medical co., Camp Humphries, Korea, from DEC '88-DEC '89. I was at Ft. Sill, OK in 2/18th FA from DEC '89-AUG '91, with deployment to Operation Desert Storm. Upon return from ODS I went back to Ft. Dix, NJ and re-classed as a truckdriver (88M). From OCT '91-JAN '93 I was at Wildflecken Germany with the 54th Engineers. Ft. Knox, KY was home from FEB '93-SEP '95 with 1/16th CAV. I then left active duty and went reserves. I am currently deployed on my second tour of OIF and will be heading home soon. July will put me at 21 years of service.
When were you at Speicher? I was there JAN '04-JAN '05 with 443rd Transportation (HET)
I was an MP stationed at Sierra Army Depot, Herlong, CA from November '88 until Feb. '90. 1st Infantry Division (Forward) Cooke Barracks, Goeppingen, Germany from Feb. '90 until June '91(they closed the base). Then on to the MP company at Ft. Sill, OK until Jan. 92 when I opted for a 3 month early-out.


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