Ok guys & gals. what do you think about people useing hankys looking like the U.S. flag to me this is just down right a slap in the face of service men & woman & vets to see someone blow there nose in it i seen this and i told the person about how i felt seeing this and the guy said just get over it im sorry but i put my ass on the line for this flag What do you guys & gals think . Need to know
from aVet

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From vet to vet,
Things like this bother me as well. The one good thing that you can tell yourself, or them for that matter, is that good men and women have fought and many have died to give them the right and freedom to blow their nose with an American Flag. I know it sucks to think about it that way and as I said, I get angry when I see things like that. That said, I want to make it clear that I'm not sticking up for those who do such things. I hope that thought helps.
True Eric but i would just like to put there ass out there and let some zingers go by there heads or a shell going off near by then see if they blow there nose then Thanks for your input brother and thanks for your service
Hey, I know what you mean. Like I said, it makes me mad as well. I wonder how those people would react being put in any sort of hostile situation, like you described. I'd like to see that. Anyway bro, I just figured I'd throw that little bit out there and maybe give you a little piece of mind about it. Thank you for your service as well. If you want a far fetched way of thinking, maybe they were trying to be patriotic by having an American Flag handkerchief.
yes your right thanks for the input
My thoughts? Disgusting. No matter which National Flag it is it's just showing total disrespect.
Thank Tony i know what you mean
I agree with you Dennis. I also resent seeing clothing that resembles the flag. I hope that makes sense, bathing suits come to mind. I think a big problem with this is that patriotism does not seem to be taught or learned anymore.
Bill you hit the nail on the head Thanks for your input on this besafe


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