Why is there a difference.Professional is an attitude not if you get paid or not. We all will go into a house to rescue someone. Fire burns me just like it does our paid brothers and sisters. We all need to stand together and let our voices be heard. We can get a lot more done together than we can apart.

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Right on Brother. I was a Union Fire Fighter for 20 years while I was on the line. I held every office in our local and ran for state office. When I became staff I had no opinion in the meetings and was told by the president of our local (who happens to be the president of the Arkansas Council of "Professional FF") that my opinion didn't matter on a fund raising idea. Other things finally made me resign. I am tired of the bickering that I have seen for years. I teach for AFA now and we are all "professional". Our legislation no wonder won't work with us due to so many opposing oraganizations. Maybe we will get more People to join our feelings. Hang in there.

Capt. Rick
Ahmen, to this. I have been a volunteer for over 26 yrs. and the feelings still rage with some brother and sister firefighters. It was so bad on my previous dept. with a few, that they would not even share their knowledge with us vol.s. as they felt it would diminish their"hold" on professionalism!
if we the firefighters of this state cant get along and speak in with one voice we will never get our goverment to listen to us "What we see right now is three or four groups asking for laws and other services but not able to agree on what they want. This needs to change." WORDS FROM OUR PEOPLE IN OFFICE,
Hensley109, You are right from allsides of the coin. This last weekend while teaching a class in the west central area I listened to stories of fire departments wanting to work together, but the counties and dispatches would not get along. I feel when a need is called for GO. In todays fire service manpower is always an issue. So, most time if it is a worker, we need to put our pride aside and reach out and ask for the help early on. I further feel this is so inportant that more and more automatic aid agreements need to be signed. Cooperation does not end at the city limits nor at county lines, even state lines in the time of disasters should not be barriers when life and property are at stake. And when we find out that we don't need the help, thank them and let them go home. You are so right we all but our turnouts on the same way and what goes around comes around. You may need help today but I know I will need help tommorrow. Keep up the good work!!

Capt. Rick
Now is the time to prove our brotherhood . Highland F D was hit by that tornado the other day they need equipment if you use it at the fire department they need it.
Well said.The only differance is in the wallett.A volunteer versus a paid. I have yet to go into a fire that knew the differance.Has anybody noticed a differance in their fires????? God bless to all and be safe.
The way I see it, is that the fire dont know if you're a pro or a vol, arrived by POV or engine. All it knows is your puttin water on it and it dont like it ! Just recently there was a prisoner van wreck in my district. The van had 7 occupants in which we had to extricate, with 2 being fatal. My department along with the rural ambulance service and the local ''professional fire dept.'' was dispatched, along with sheriff and state police. Other than deputies,my department was the first on scene. We sized up the incident and began pulling our equipment of the rescue truck. There was 7 cuts required to remove the roof off the van (it was rolled on its passenger side), in which 6 cuts were made by my department. Only 1 lone cut was made by our "professional dept." Not to mention my dept. had 12 FF on scene all dressed in full PPE, and the "pro's" had 7 on scene and NONE WERE IN ANY KIND OF PPE !!!!! But when the news paper came out the next day ONLY the "pro dept." was mentioned and NO ONE ELSE !!!!! They also dont respect the jurisdiction rules either. As soon as they arrived on scene they tried to take over because we are a volunteer department. Out of the 20 members we have, 17 are FF and 3 proby's. Our Chief has been in service for 17 years and knows his job well !!!
But yes I agree we should all get along. We are a United Brother and Sisterhood !!! We should all take more actions to get along
Why can't we get along?jealousy,greed,arrogance,and pride and those are my good points.No really I've fought this battle for years and I think it is a power struggle.I tried to join a state association once and was told that to do so I had to drive across the state and attend a mtng and apply,there was a group from that assoc.just down the road.I finally got to join and asked one of the movers and shakers to come and talk to our county chiefs association.He came and talked to ourchiefs alright , they were all volunteers and only 2 of them had a retirement plan , he told us how we needed to talk to our legislators about increasing the lopfi retirement and told us how important he was and his association was.Everyone listened politely and never spoke about that group again.He continued to emailme telling me to contact my legislators and urge them to vote for against certain pieces of legislation.I ask him to tell me his reasoning on some of it to me and was told he didn't have time for such things.
He was supposed to be representing alll the fire service and yet he would tell you very quickly that the paid depts needed the representation the most because they did more.
I know volunteers are not perfect but I am convinced that the paid depts in Arkansas wish we would go away and not tarnish thier image and not use up their rescources (read money)


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