When is the Politicians gonna make all the Volunteer Fire&Rescue Depts Paid in the State of Pennsylvania its that Politics have played to much of a role all these years and these men deserve to have their jobs here in PA and be able to stay in Pa and raise their families by being a paid firefighter in the State of Pennsylvania. I say it is high time for the Politicians to get some Brass and grab the Bull by the horns and make this a long overdue reality for these men and women. They have busted their humps all these years and been promised the sky and have gotten nothing I say for someone that is brave enough to risk his life for the State of PA they fall under the same category as Our Military in this Country so start paying these fine men and women use some of the pork that you use year after year in a sensible way and pay these brave men and women so they can have a family or raise them here in our own state instead of traveling to other states for a paid job.Wakeup and realize the importance that Our Firefighters&Paramedics are to this Great State of Pennsylvania!!!!!! Lets get some Quick Action!!!

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I also believe that its high time we as firefighters and paramedics demand paid jobs in this state with good retirements and benefits as the politicians get so every firefighter and paramedic should be getting on the phone and calling their politicians to get this job done now not ten years from now.We deserve it ! We risk our lives for nothing its about time we are appreciated and the politicians realize how important we are to the state. Call your politicians and demand this to become legislation and pass it threw and make it a reality for all firefighters and paramedics in the State of Pennsylvania!!! Now not ten years from now!!! Fire Fighter Hugh Fawcett Irwin Fire Department Irwin Pennsylvania
i think the state needs to do something to help all fire and ems personel in the state.even if not getting paid make it so if they are active with there depts they dont have to pay any income taxes.i know other states do that it does not sound like much but every dollor not paid in taxes helps them with the time they spend away from work and family serving the public and saving lifes doing so.the politicians need to know how much we give to others and the price we pay for doing it time away from family,work ,our own free time lost but we do it because we put others before ourselfs even if it means paying with our lifes. pa need to act now before there is no one to answer calls.300,000 vol ten yrs ago in pa. now 75,000 vol and the numbers are only going to get smaller those of us doing it now are getting older and not enough young people to replace them.time will be the down fall if something is not done now.i only hope its not to late to save what we have.
Hello Brothers and Sisters in the Field of FireFighting and E.M.S., but we need to become paid for all Firefighters and E.M.S. orgs in the Commonwealth of Pennyslvania.Why don't everyone take the time to call their politicians and let their Voices be Heard in Harrisburg and lets the FireFighters and E.M.S. a voice which we desperately need in order to make the Volunteer FireFighters & E.M.S. become paid an finally give all the Volunteers in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a finally a reality for all these Brave Men and Women. It certainly would be nice to finally have our own Brothers and Sisters become Paid and be able to have their jobs in the home they come from instead of traveling three to four hours and work shifts . Wakeup people the people give big bonuses for our Paramedics down in their state why not keep our resources in our Commonwealth and let our hometown people get a paycheck and retirement like all these other states do whats the matter with the People of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Afterall don't you think we deserve to give these fine brave men and women the opportunity to become Pennsylvania taxpayers.. Afterall we earned it!! Since we put our lives on the line every day.
I kind of pride myself in the fact that I'm a volunteer FF/EMT. Should the local, state & federal governments help us out more financially? Absolutely. Maybe health care benifits for them and their family? That would be nice. However, I prefer to remain a volunteer. To me, its much more rewarding.
Hi Don, I have been a true brother for thirty years and plan on giving more of more life but when the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has done very little to keep their men and women here in our home state you would think it is Way OverDue to make these men and women paid firefighters and E.M.S. so lets think alittle bit here because all of the Brave Men and Women that have made the Supreme Sacrifise for Our Commonwealth of PA I just think it is high time we actually become paid employees of the State because it not only helps the State but Our Families to stay here and raise their families but it makes many more jobs that are very well deserving for these Men and Women in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania and adds to the revenue for the Commonwealth and now we have something to give to Our Families that We Are Long Over Due for in this Commonwealth and it is nothing but a positive sign for future generations to come!! So How long are we gonna ride this Pride amongst the Brotherhood to benefit the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania its High Time We as Firefighters and Paramedics become apart of this equation. By the way I am Damm Pride to say I am a Firefighter but I think we show the Commonwealth that the 6 billion dollars they save a year by us being volunteers could sure give many Firefighters and Paramedics in the Cmonwealth a decent job to raise their families on .. Plus if you multiply all of this savings the Firefighters and Paramedics have saved the Cmmonwealth we could have had all of Our Firefighters and Paramedics in a paid job here at home now does that make more sense!!! I think We need Our Voices to be Heard in the Cmonwealth as Firefigrs and Paramedics. Its nice to know that your life means something and that your family is always taking care of while we run in to rescue our fellow neighbors and citizens of the Commonwealth when they are in need of our help!! I Bet if we put this Up for a Vote on the Referendum I Bet it would Pass Hands Down by the TaxPayers because they know how badly We as Firefighters and Paramedics are needed in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania !!! Is there Anyone that would not give The Credit to The Taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania afterall we have only donated our Volunteer Services for how many Years now and how much Tax Money does that add up to for The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania?? God Bless The Firefighters and Paramedics of this Commonwealth for everything we have given and for all the lives that have been lost while on the job serving Our fellow Pennssylvania's as Volunteers!! Do You think its about time we look at for Ourselves so we can always Protect Thy Neighbor and Citizens of The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Keep Up The Fine Work and The Great Jobs. Its time to cut out the Fat and pay the volunteers in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!!!!!
Its not up to the state to make the vols paid or anyone else in the fire and ems , it is up to the local governments but even in Pa that is not going to happen, Fire Departments get very little of the taxbase because special districts are not allowed by the state. there are no Fire Protection Districts anywhere in PA , if there was then it would be easier. They could set their own tax rate depending on amount of services to be rendered andthere be able to pay employees, but, the problem in PA we already have enough taxes theyare higher than the national everage and our population tends to be older folks who cant pay alot more anyway. In all honesty you will never see the state make all ff paid if they do we wount be living in a free country anymore becasue that will be socializing teh fire service, By the way I am from PA but living in Colorado now , I belong to a FPD we cover 300 sq miles and we dont even have anyone paid nor will we anytime soon, it is just not feasable.
Brother we all feel that way but when it comes down to saving lives and putting your own life on the line who will pay the bills if something happens to you or anyone of us Brothers or Sisters sure its always great to always be very proud of the fact we are doing this bbbecause we truly care and are proud of the fact but when it comes down to it all of us in the Commonwealth deserve to be paid so we can always have a paycheck and benefits and are able to pay the bills for our families that we risk our lives day in and day out for our fellow neighbors and taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. God Bless and Stay Safe when the Alarm hits.
Brother I agree with some but if the Police and E.M.S. and the Dispatchers of 911 can be paid and all of these groups are the most important part of our Commonwealth why should us Firefighters be left out it seems to me that the Spending gets put into what is the most important for our taxpayers and our politicians wakeup to that fact.Afterall when we lose a Brother or a Sister I would say and have to think that we are just as important to the Commonwealth?? Its about time the Firefighters in the Commonwealth get the same Respect.God Bless You and Please Becarefull and Thanks for Your Thoughts on this Subject but I like to think Our Lives are just as Important as the Others in the Commonwealth.Sharing Our ideas is the only way we may be able to help the Politicians solve this Very Important Issue for the Volunteer FireFighters in the Commonwealth.The Volunteer FireFighters need a Voice that is heard in the Commonwealth and in Washington D.C....


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