Everyone gets a nickname at the department, whats yours?? Mine is MIGHTY MIDGET!!!Jeremys is DUCKY!!! I gave that one to him!!

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I got a ok one, Smitty. But we have had some we called "IKE"; I Know Everything!
They call me Sarge for some reason. I am not an officer so I am not sure where they came up with that.
yeah i have one. mine is moose. they have called me that ever since ive played football.a dnt the found out im a work horse
walmart here. Used to work there and nobody could remember my name
My favorite would have to be "Heart attack", a guy at my dept. that tends to get just a little bit excited when he gets his hands on a radio!

And every variation of it one can think....Crabster, crabcakes, crabby bastard, crabby patty, f**king crabbe...you get the gist.
Well i did not mention the other name i have since i am 5ft2in they call me the lollipop kid!
re run because if i dont think i did a good enough job the first time ill do it again untill im satisfied with the result
Speaking of Walmart I stopped by there on the way home from work to pick up a gift for a friend's baby shower. I'm wearing my class A shirt, a badge, the whole deal and this lady stops me and says, "Sir can you page someone for me?" I turned to see if an employee of the store was behind me...Nope! She repeated herself with a little irritation this time. I told her I didn't work there! Ha,Ha!
RayRay is mine
One of the career guys calls me Darby boy. He says he remembers that better than Darcy.
did they see you in the shower or somthin lol

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