Wildland Firefighters: What do you like to bring with you on a Strike Team?

I have a friend who always carry TP in his helmet.

Another who carrys a first aid kit for blisters etc.

Another who arrys a machety


Im interested to get some ideas what do you bring and why?

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I am attaching a checklist I've used for several years. Might add something to pass spare time also like a hackysack or puzzle book. Something that does not require batteries.
The first two are excellent ideas. A machete is only useful if you are in the right type of vegetation. Assuming you are a short walk from your truck I try to carry the following - all of it fits in a fanny-pack:

1) water - tons of it. You'll burn 1-2 litres/hour.
2) snack type food
3) sunblock
4) bandanna or some kind of rag to clean your hands
5) knife
6) mirror
7) basic first aid kit
8) compass
9) matches - this year I'm trying a synthetic sparker instead - remember, a lighter is a bad idea!
10) safety glasses - I carry a set of $10 safety glasses that are also sunglasses. It's also a good idea to have a clear pair for at night.

Curious to see what others are carrying...I've only been doing bushfire a few years.
My department does not have SOPs for wildland operations, but it has been accepted to bring the following list of items as listed in our SOPs for search and rescue. Most guys already have the bags ready.

Personal Equipment:
Wool Socks
Heavy Boots
Wool Trousers
Heavy Shirt or Sweater
Heavy Coat
Hat with Ear Protection
Rain Gear
Aluminum Foil
Eye Protection
Extra Batteries
Topographical Map of Area
Toilet Paper
Sandwiches or Candy
Carrying Case

Team Equipment:
25' Nylon Rope
First Aid Kit
Thermos of Coffee
Hatchet or Small Axe
Space Blanket
20 Rounds for Rifle

Base Equipment:
Coleman Lantern
Sheriff / Game Warden
C.B. Radio
Maine Road Atlas

Maine Forestry provides the fire shelters if we find ourselves in more then grass and brush. The department will also issue tools and indian packs as deemed needed for the incident.
Would that be for the Division Sup or the Moose?
Sorry, I pulled the list for search and rescue as this is the closest list we would have for wildland fires. We would not bring the rifle for fires. For S&R the rifle is used for:

Rifle Signal Procedure:
A. 1 Shot to be fired every 15 minutes. (Not to be synchronized with other teams.)
B. 3 Shots fired when person is found.
thanks guys
Saw a flaming bunny once. Of course he carried the fire across the line.

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