Why do I always get treated different at my fire house.

Heyy guys,
Well i'm with a fire department and something has been bothering me for a while.
We are a volunteer department and I am the only female member out of everyone we have.
And I am on like a lock down on what i'm able to do and it bothers me. Just like all the guys are aloud to spin the night at the department, but I am not at all. The guys can wear shorts during the summer, and i'm not aloud. I have a curfew there witch is nine o'clock pm. And it just bothers me because it makes me feel like I am not treated the same. Am I being like craazy over this or do you think i'm right? I just don't know. Thankks.

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Ok, you are 18, attractive and honestly the chief may not trust you or MAYBE, he does but doesn't trust his men. First off, you are the only woman in the department, been on for 3 years, they probably treat you as you are still 15.

Thats because they are protecting you. Now before I have every female firefighter screaming at me, you are unfortunately going to be the trend setter, meaning new policies / procedures pretaining to equality in the house. Sleeping / showering arrangements in a VFD or paid department is a challenge in houses that are not prepared for privacy.

Simply put I would suggest you meet with the officers to state you want to be treated equally, withOUT rules for them and one's for me (shorts, curfew) and require no special treatment, but.... be advised, you will need to be a rule follower.

well lets say its the same at most departments like bunk room conditions ? are you set up for females in the bunk room? not really sure but when i was on the dept we came close to getting a female on are dept and theres nothing wrong with women in the fireservice at all and we were going to have to change are life style a little as in dress code for bed time.but are bunk room had cubes for each bunk.could be your age also not sure maybe you should see what your SOP'S are for this ?? got off track a bit but im sure someone has an answer for you
Very well put
So the exact same Devon... I know some houses that are all male, have common multi-head showers, and they walk around in there underwear for bedtime. So common showering facilities and tidy whities / thong parades are probably not ok for everyone including the fire chief.

Read where departments turned blind eye, and let the troops figure it out on there own... what happened? lots on mischief and naughty things until someone decided now it is not ok once slighted, and then the municipality didn't provide privacy for all their employees regardless of gender.
I would have to agree with FETC on the trust issue. I think the Chief doesn't trust his men with you and is probably just looking out for you. The only way to figure this out is to follow your chain of command and find out if you could talk with the Chief on this matter. We do have women on our departmen and have since I started. I will it has caused some problems though. We have had a sexual harrasment case and she would usually be the one to bring up a conversation in the matter. Ever since then the men on the department have watched what they say around the women. It doesn change the way the department once was. Not putting you down or anything like that. I think women in the fire service is a great idea. Just make sure that everyone is treated equal including yourself. If it is an age factor (you being under age), I can see the point in the curfew. The shorts should be just above the knee and this goes for everyone. Again this is just my opinion. Good luck in your journey and stay safe.

I dont think that the department is trying to be mean to you by treating you differently. I could really argue both sides of each issue, but I'm just going to give my strongest opinions.

Starting off with the shorts. Perhaps if you and the chief discussed the length of your shorts there would be less of an issue. If the guys are permitted to be in shorts then you should be as well.

As for spending the night I'm sorry but there is too much mother in me to find it ok for a teenage girl to spend the night in a room with men especially when some of them are teenage boys. If there are seperate bunks at your station I would still think there was an issue mainly because you would still be the only female. Same issues with the curfew.

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