I'll start...


Weather forecasters!  When did they become rockstars?  When the weather is good they act like they created it and like we should be thanking them personally for the warm, sunny day!  When they are wrong which is 50% of the time they never mention their mistake.  I hate those bastards.

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Who is Miss Spelled?

I think you meant misspelled.

The devil made me do it.
This is where my city slicker vs redneck comment comes from.

Why would anyone want to live where there are so many people? That you would regularly submit yourself to wasting time in traffic everyday?

I know, I'm different, I like cold weather and more critters (big game) than people so I just don't get it.
Dans le service de Feu vous avez des droits. Vous avez le droit de faire taire l'enfer. Vous avez le droit de faire comme on vous dit; quand on vous dit de le faire. Vous avez le droit d'arrêter si vous ne pouvez pas ou ne faire pas la règle *1 et rule*2. des questions ?
Lazy co-workers.... I get up at 2 am to come in and work until 5pm because we have someone here in my office (day job) who is absolutely worthless. And yet they won't get rid of this person...... I am so frustrated right now and extremely tired....

Need to go get more coffee......
Makr I would much rather live in the rurals than to ever move back to the city......

Loving the privacy
LMAO Oh yes.... well, the BEST coffee...

There are bumper stickers and shirts that say "Gimmie my Timmies and nobody gets hurt!" LOL

"Timmies" being slang for the "Tim Horton's" chain of coffee shops across Canada and spreading into the northern U.S. (where we canucks like to go shopping all the time).

There are LOTS of rumors as to, of all the coffee/donut shops in the world, why Timmies has such a lock on us up here.
Apparently there is nicotine added to the filters (to get around federal food inspection agency regulations)... but that is JUST RUMOR.... but I have tried to only drink other brands of coffee... but I just don't feel right... longest I went was a three week trip to europe... drinking supposedly great coffee (ICK!), got off the plane back in Canada and sucked back an extra-large double-double TIMMIES in a minute flat and suddenly I felt 'right as rain'. Hmmmm

(sorry for the run-on sentence there, I'll pay my fine to the grammar police later)
There you go Paul!
Sorry on this, the city is best, convenient, 1 3/4 miles from the station, quiet solitude in my yard and house, everything close, always something to see and do. Way cheaper to live, I would never live in the country.
PALE civil disobedience - ROTFLMAO

I was thinking that they were demonstating pure on, deep teamwork from the brotherhood.. not many other groups of colleagues are probably so close to each other that in their work role they will want to get publically naked together...

...except maybe strippers...

most companies have to complete team building exercises and have special trainings to make people feel close to each other at work... NOT US ;-)
I guess this is why it takes more than one person to make the world go round... :)
Oh, so true.
My gripe?Being blackballed from the fire service. There was an incident where the captain of my station had come on to my fiance who is now my wife. I was switching my suspenders out for another pair. I was in charge of equipment so I knew what was what. I noticed what he was doing and confronted him. He tells me he's gonna take her home and show what a man he is and I'm not. I got pissed naturally and told him to lay off, She did as well. He proceeds to call the chief who is related to him and told him I tampered with in service gear. He followed us home and continued. I did not want to contact police because of the trouble it could cause and the pay backs he might have done. I regret not doing this because I was suspended and expelled for conduct unbecoming of a fiefighter. A few of this fire company's membership did a lot of talking because I am turned down every time I submit anywhere in my area. This was in 2002. I still can not get membership anywhere.

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