who is better Pierce or Sutphen

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tell me who you like yo can also like both
I is better....or are you asking what the opinions are on apparatus comparison...? The best one is the one that the crew has trained extensively on and can operate from it without a second thought....Lets not start the best truck or color of trucks again....please??
Im a Pierce fan But they both are good manufactures
Whew - for a second I thought this was going to be another "career vs. vollie" discussion from the subject description.

I don't know anything about Sutphen but my opinion is that Pierce makes a mighty fine product.
hey thanks guys for your comments i am also a fan of both i just wanted to see what other peoples views were
To be honest with you i really dont like either.
Alot of companies out there now. City of Colunbus Ohio is next to Sutphen and they just bought Ferrara. We have a Sutphen and a Ferrara. I like Sutphen but the dollar is talking now. Pierce has very little to show in our county.
Makes no difference to me. The best one is the one I'm in at a particular time. It beats having to carry everything and run down the street.
then who do you like capt4021???
Good point
neither- because neither one is sitting in my apparatus bay, therefore meaning i do not have extensive knowledge of it
Pierce is better

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