Just curious to see when some of you fine man and women pack-up and why. Would you put your SCBA on as soon as you get in the truck, while en route or after you get on the scene? If I'm riding in the officer seat or riding backwards, I like to wait until the truck arrives on the scene. Simply because it make me calm down after I get on the scene. It's that couple of second that I get to take a breathe and gather my thoughts about the situation. The one thing that I always do when I climb in the rig is Buckle-Up. Thoughts and Comments? Keep It Safe.

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We just had training on this. We buckle first and pack up while belted. On You Tube there is an excellent video showing how it is done from Denver fire co. It shows you how to pack up with out getting tangled up in your seat belt. At our training we had to do it and move from seat to seat with others next to us all in gear. It is not real easy but it gets easier as you keep doing it.
We pack up in route to the call on the apparatus. You wait to put your mask on to just before you enter the structure or situation. The Engine dosnt move from the apparatus floor till everyone is buckled up.
Because of the way our Initial Attack truck is set up, we pack-up when we get on scene. On our Engine we can pack-up when we get in the truck, then buckle-up.
For our department we have to wait until we get on scene to pack up, because we only have single cab apparatus. However with a former dept. we would pack up en route to the call. The only time that we pack up once on scene was if rolled up and found conditions to be different than dispacthed. Example would be rolling up on an MVA and finding a Haz-mat scene. We also dont move apparatus until everyone is buckled up.
Yes I pack up asap, but I wait to put my mask on tell I'm ready to spray water or at the door step of a structure I'm going into, it's hard to teach our newbies this method, they like to jump off the truck with a fogged up face mask.
i pack up as soon as i get on the truck right after i buckle up our drivers will not move the trucks till everyone is buckled up but my mask stays off till i get to the scene and get my orders
Since I am usually the first at the station when toned out I usually pack up immeaditaely and then get myself situated with lights radio, vehicle headset Etc. and start running different scenarios through my head til we get on scene. That is what works for me, that way I don't have to worry about something going wrong like someone forgot to loosen the belts on the pack Etc.
I usaully pack up before the truck pulls out and do not flow air until I get to the scene.
It is required that the firefighters and the officer don our airpack on every response. We will usually put our arms through the shoulder straps as soon as we sit down in the truck. (Backup a bit: We don all of our PPE for everycall, even in the summer before we get in the truck) So after getting the shoulder straps on, we then don our seat belt. This is usually before the driver is ready to leave the station.

Enroute all we have to do is weave the waist strap through the seat belt for completing all the SCBA straps.

We mask up and go on air just before entering the IDLH. (NEVER in the truck) Safety issue with walking with a foggy mask, getting another order for exterior ground ladders or specific tools...
We have to be seat belted in before the truck moves. Then we pack up enroute, and mask up as soon as we hit the IDLH atmosphere.
We pack up enroute to the call, while in the apparatus or before getting on the apparatus. (although this is unsafe, we buckle up after we have our jacket on) You wait to put your mask and on to just before you enter the structure, The SCBA goes on right after get we on scene.

for your own safety do not don a scba while in your engine. new dot regs will not allow manufactures of new trucks to install scbas in seats after 2010, seems they are causing to many injuries in crashes.


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