Does sport matter?

We are all caught up in our teams, be it Yankees, cowboys, Hawkeyes, Eagles, Bearcats, or any number of professional and collegiate programs we follow.

How many times have we thrown something when your team fails to execute, and gives up a touchdown that costs the team a victory? Just raise your hand and say...umm, yeah.

Think back to the game between the Yankees and Mets just after 9/11 when the teams wore FDNY or NYPD meant something. It was healing for our collective souls, even ones who despise the Yankees! 

Your Team

So we are invested in our teams, we pour our hearts into them every year and use words like "we, my, our" when discussing said team. But its not ours, it belongs to the state, university, or owner group who make the decisions and the money. But in our hearts it will always be yours.

Now a team that is truly yours!

A little more than a year ago I met Melissa Lashbrook with "September 11th Health @ Fitness Foundation". She inspired me to do something to help her foundation. Originally we planned a ride for August of 2011 in New York, but after six months of trying to work out logistics changed course and began a search for a long term program

Firefighters Cycling Pro Development Team

Instead of a one week event, we settled on the idea of an Elite Cycling Program and club that would draw interest from not just New York, but across the country. 
So late this summer I began building a program to compete in National Calender Events from California to the Northeast US. Today, we have a team that can compete in any race nationwide.

With the generous contributions of several amazing companies in the US and Italy who believe in our mission and have lent their support to the program with large financial contributions in the form of bicycles, clothes, glasses, helmets, etc...but none of these are our title Sponsor, thats where we are going to stay on our course and be a truly Firefighter Owned team.

So in February of 2011 there will be a team competing in the biggest racees nationwide with a maltese cross on their jerseys, and they are YOUR team. check out how you can be a part at our website.

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Amazingly enough our first donor came from outside the fire service...

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