It seems to me that there is a very wide range of requirements nationwide and from state to state. I am reaching out to the members of FFN asking for your help in comparing these requirements.

I am in search of what each state requires for training hours for a firefighter, i.e. such as Basic Firefighting, a 28 hour/36 hour/120 hour course, FF1,and FF2.

I want to compare our state with yours nationally. Let me know what your state offers, what the requirements are, and what your state mandates?

Thanks, train often, stay safe and share your knowledge.

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Our Basic Fire School is FF1 Except a few blocks of courses. So...I have graduated it and If i took FF1 it wouldnt be too big of a leap. I dont know how many more hours FF1 is but it isnt many. So for our Volunteer FD its Basic Fire which is almost FF1
hummmm - I thought we just did this not long ago. I did research on this subject a few years ago with the intent of writing an article. HA! It is a very difficult subject to research.

Ohio requires 36 hrs basic technical & industrial fire training "mostly" through adult education classes. Some vocational schools do offer 120 & 240 classes as well but ALL the State requires is the 36 with 4 hrs a year or 12 hrs in 3 yrs of continuous education.
I believe WV has the same requirements.
KY requires 150 hours.
Jenny, Caleb please don't take this wrong way. With the laws here in Ohio we are now required 54 hours in three years to keep our certfication. H.B. 401.

Every firefighter paid or Vol falls under this law. You have till Jan 31 of 2009 to certify on line or you have to take the course again. Regardless if you have a 36 hour or 240 cert.
Yes Jenny, You did answer this not long ago. I only got your response and was hoping this would generate more responses. I'd like at least members from 35 -40 different states to give me some info. This is why I posted it again. Thanks for your answer. Norm
Dave & Caleb, My card expires in May of 2012.

Reading the bill (hb401) does not explain HOW MANY hours of training are required for Ohio Volunteer fire fighters. I have read it 100x since it first came out. The initial training is still 36 hours. I can't find anything anywhere that says you have to have the hazardous materials training. If you know where that is, please let me know. I have heard that the state may actually start requiring the 120 FF1 course for volunteers & I seriously do not think that it is too much. Personally I think it would be a good thing.

I did find the information on the Ohio Public Safety website

Go to the Fire Rollout power point. I think it is on page 27. (I haven't found it anywhere else) This explains everything even the CFSI & instructors certs. To keep state certification a volunteer fire fighter must meet the requirements of 18 hours a year.

For the first cycle, which is 3 yrs, the total is 54 hours. (18x3=54) For each subsequent year after that 18 more hours will be required. So anyway you cut it, it is 18 hours a year.
Jenny you won't fine that info in the law H.B. 401. This law took effect Feb 1, 2008 with one year to certify online by Jan 31, 2009. The main purpose of this law was the state of Ohio has ex amount of firefighters on there books. They had know idea how many was active. So they say. I have other thoughts about that. The law was pass by the senate. In the law there was a committee established to set the guide lines by The Department of Public Safety. The first set guide lines given out was 120 hrs for three years rather you was paid or vol. We, the volunteers said NO that is to much. Jennifer Garrison our state senator went to bat for us and got that time reduced to 54 hrs in three years. While this calculates out to 18 hrs per year. 1.5 hours a month. There is nothing that says you have to do the 18 hrs in a year. Just as long as you have 54 hrs in a three year period. I personally feel this is good and not that difficult to get. Some of my counter parts will disagree with me. If you could go to one fire school for 6 hours. There is 4 months worth of training. The thing with this law it is up to the Fire Chief what counts as training. It is on his shoulders to certify that firefighter if he/she is audited. It can all be done in house if so desire. This law did not set guide lines on how the training is to be given or what kind of training. There is no C.E. hours required. Other than if you was to have a certify training it has to be given by acreditdation school. There is departments in my area has already lost members do to this law. Mainly, because I feel things isn't being explained well enough to firefighters as it should, or people is not subject to change. Yes there is times firefighters may not be able to meet these requirements do to meeting family obligation. This is where this law is a problem. We are losing good firefighters in this insentience.

Some thing else we need to keep in mind. This discussions about this training law started about three/four years ago.

Jenny and the rest I hope this answer some of the questions. This info is given to best of my knowledge and my understanding of the law from the four meetings that I attended.

Your first cycle is based off of your birthday. I don't have the exact numbers. But lest say your birthday falls in feb. You may only need 16 hours and renew in 2010 on your birthday. I have those hours i will post them.
Here is the requirments for the first cycle.

Jan, April, July, and Oct. Your new expiration date will on your birthdate of 2009 with 0 hours to recert. There after is 54 hrs in three years.

Feb, May, Aug, and Nov. You will need 18 hours to recert on your birthday. there after 54 hrs.

March, June, Sept and Dec. You will need 36 hours to recert on your birthday. There after 54 Hrs.

If you hold a cert in EMS your firefighter card will expire on your birthday the same year your EMS does.
We have managed to FINALLY get all our people into the new system. All but one that is. My husband took his training in 1980. He misses the "grandfather" law by a few months. He didn't receive an individual certificate. They issued one certificate with the names on it to hang on the wall. We can't find it. I was already IN the system because I have taken EMT training & first responder training in the last few years. SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE has to have a record of the class my husband was in. PROVING it has been difficult. SO, I am getting in touch with the instructor of the class. I had a difficult time getting some of our other guys in too but we finally did get new cards for all of them.

I am not too worried about getting the hours since our department has required 36 hrs a year (or 70% of 36 which is 27) since the 70s. I racked up over 200 hrs in 1 yr in 2002.

The GOOD side of this, that I can see is that it will cull out the folks who aren't really committed to the department.

I think you are right, some people don't understand the way it is written. Until today, I didn't know how many hours were required. I have searched many times. I happened to find that rollout link which fairly well explains it.
Jenny I am guessing he isn't in the system by his S.S. Correct.

I had the same thing happen to me when I took my FF1. I to had taken the 36 in 1980. I took the FF1 course. Went to register for the test. I was told I was not allowed to take the test because I was not 36 hr trained. I had to go to my fire instructor to try to get reinstated for my 36 hr. They still wouldn't do it. I then got a hold of my state senator then Bob Ney. Between him and my fire instructor and Mid east Voc. school I had my card reinstated.

The problem was when the state in their wisdom took the fire certs out of the fire marshals office and turned everything over to the public safety office lost lots and lots of records. Mine was one of them. With the help of the ones listed above Public safety reinstated my 36. It was the state that was in error.

I am guessing that is what has happen in your husband case.


Washington State requires the following, I don't know in hours;

♦ Emergency medical protection (WAC 296-305-02501)
♦ Respiratory equipment protection (WAC 296-305-04001)
♦ Accident prevention (WAC 296-305-01505)
♦ Asbestos recognition (WAC 296-205-05001[6])
♦ Training in the function, donning and doffing, care, use, inspection, maintenance, and limitations of personal protective equipment issued (WAC 296-305-02001)
♦ First aid training and certification (WAC 296-305-01515)
♦ Familiarity with an ICS system (WAC 296-305-05001[1])

The policy board I understand (if I read it right - lol) is currently working on the master training plan for the state which will require all FF's (paid and volunteer) to be trained to FF1. Currently certification is voluntary. Most departments put all through to FF1 and require certification. The state will reimburse departments funds of $3 per hour for up to 200 hours of training per individual.

The department that I applied to puts it's volunteers through the following after passing the written, physical and oral;

Module 0 - Fire Fighting Safety = 40 hours
Module I - Fire Fighter Fundamentals = 100 hours
Module II - Live Fire Training = 20 hours
Module III - Fire Fighter I Certification = 40 hours

Finally, someone who agrees with me :) I think that the "records" are part of the FMO & volunteer FFs are now under EMS. Which I don't understand at all. I was told once that they didn't do any "retro" entering into the system. In other words once they computerized everything, they didn't go back & enter the records prior to that date.

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