Since the the question of “What’s on Your Stick” was so popular, I decided to follow it up with another on. What’s in your cab?

I have seen and talked to many who do things a differently in regards to tools and implements of destruction in the cab of the truck.  As we all know all tools and items are supposed to be secured if it is to ride with us in the cab. (There is my disclaimer, so please don’t point out the obvious.)  However, we know this is not always practical and so that is not what this post is about.

Rather, I want to know what tools or items you just can’t live without having close to you whether you are in the “seat” or riding backwards.

So, what is your weapon of choice and why?

What would you like to have that you don’t?

Do you get to pick what you take or do you have specifically assigned tools?

Let us know how you work and any great tips for keeping tools in the cab.

Stay safe and train hard.

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We don't have any tools on the inside of the rig, except the TIC.
We do have riding assignments for calls, my preference is the irons.
-Set of irons, TIC, closet z hook with D handle, packs, med gloves, portables, lights

-EMS equip, 2 six foot z hooks, TIC, packs, portables, lights,
When I was assigned to a truck, I had to have a 6 foot NY roof hook and halligan in the cab the officer would carry a 6 foot hook and the flat head axe. This I felt promoted team work as there are single fire fighter techniques to using the halligan but we all know it works best with 2 this also let us trasition easily to finding hidden fire, and exposing attic, and or cockloft spaces.....On the engine, I really do not need much in the cab tool wise. I like to take hose and or water with me so my go to tools for invesitgative stuff is the hose pack or water can depending on the occupancy. If its a real fire I of course take the charged line......

If I do pull off a tool (waiting for the truck) its the Irons, and possibly a 6 foot hook.
In the cab Ive learned over my few years of being in the fire service anyone riding the seat should have a map book of their first due and the surrounding areas. I know alot of drivers know where they are going but sometimes having a helping hand lets those with the "off days" as we all have them a helping hand. plus it gives the officer a chance to see where hydrant locations are and also can help the officer in size up if he knows the area of where they are going.

My preference.... Hook and a can on the truck and a nice set of irons if im not on the pipe when I use to be with the departments.
No tools allowed in our engine. All tools must be replaced in the bunkers before the vehicle returns to station.
We don't carry any inside the engine, just the compartments. My favortie tool to bring along is my brain, after that it would probably be the TNT (Denver) tool.

we have 6 box lights, 2 Denver tools, 6ft drywall hook, 5 scba's, binoculars, laptop w/internet and cad system, among other misc. supplies; caution tape, flares, safety vest, ect... all secured. also mabas boxes, back-up maps and pre-plans, accountability pass-port system
We have portables for every firefighter, CO meters, irons, thermal cam, and handlights. We do not have riding assignments but I always go for the irons!
Why are you not allowed to carry tools in your engine?
Address map book and fuel cards.
If some leaves tools or gear in the cab they go if the bay floor or on the apron as we leave on a call. No junk in my cab if I am driving, I am the one responsible for the lives of the people I am hauling. I don't plan on explaining why someones family member has a head injury over crap in the cab. Or why something rolled under the brake and I could not stop (Almost happened to me before).
Not to stir any trouble but I saw this comment and had to respond back. I totally agree if people leave gear on the rig taking it out

However what do you do with the people on the rigs gear? I have had this argument several times with people over the tools in the cab. The tools in our cab are secured, but the gear we have is not secured (I e going on an EMS call helmet coat and boots all loos in the floor). I think that a leather N6A could cause significant damage as well as our bunker boots. However nom one minds putting them in the floor but alot of people scoff at the idea of putting tools in the cab.
Helmets go in the compartment behind the cab. But are trucks only seat two or three in the cab. All the tools mounted on the outside or in the compartments.

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