I was just wondering what type of Ladder Trucks do you have in your Departments.
Where I came from in New York, we had two ladder trucks. One was a 100 Ft. American
LaFrance Tiller, and the second was a 100 Ft. Mid Mount Seagrave. Just as I was leaving
the department was getting a 100 Ft. Rear mount Platform.
The Department I am with now has a 50 Ft. American LaFrance Squirt.
I will say that it is a much smaller Department I am with now, but I am hoping that
some day soon it will be replaced with a larger Ladder. It is 29 years old, and has been
a excellent truck, and still looks good for it's age.

So tell me, " Whats In Your Department "

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the first link is of our 1982 American LaFrance 100' quint
the slides are of a mutual aid where we really put the truck through a work out
Very Cool, or should I say HOT, Nice Truck
Our station has one 75' Pierce quint quint (1991 rehabbed in 1997 0 brought into our department used in 2002) with 500 gallons water and 50 gallon foam cell. We have the only ladder truck for the county. Its a small county with less than 25,000 people. Most of our structures are 3 stories or less.
Shane, Do you have a picture of your truck?
Hey David, It sounds as if you have the right truck for your community, do you have any pic's to send

Virginia Beach Fire Dept. more pics at vbfd.com
Dillon, Looks Good, The only thing I don't like is the over hang, and I am not just talking about your
truck. We had one in the department I was formerly with, and it just seem to upstruct your vision. Hopefully
they will come out with a new design some day. Thanks for sharing your picture of your truck.
We have an 1984 ALF 85' Snorkel and a 1986 Hahn 55' Tele Squirt
Hey Jay, do you have any pictures????????
My fulltime dept has a 99 Ferrera 109ft rear mount. My part time dept has a 99 Pierce 105ft rear mount. Go to cityofbenbrook.com to see that one.....
Very Nice Axeman

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