What is your best and worst tools for removing a windshield during extrication?

What Tools have you and your Dept. used for removing a windshield from a vehicle during extrications?

Which tools work the best?  - Why?

Which are the worst? - Why?

any other thoughts?

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As long as that's a deer and not a chamois...
I just stare angrily at it until it jumps out of the way.

Seriously, the axe or glassmaster work great.

Well, we'd have it out in 21/100ths of the time...never mind.
Because, when you're removing windshields, prime numbers are important.

Well not shure on the worst, but the best Ive seen is a saws-all. We carry a dewalt battery operated one and it works real well and fast. We all train on it and most of us are quick at it, we even use it for other light work. We have found if use it to cut heavy work items the batterys just dont hold up, but windsheilds works great.
Best tool is the glass master or other like it. But you usually don't have to waist the patients time removing the windshield. Most of the times we remove the windshield is when the car is on the side - sometimes to have the patient standing in the car, walk out or to assist with patient packaging.

Worst tools - Axe - why beat on the car when you don't have too
Recip saws - waste good demo blades with the plastic laminate gumming them up, lots of glass dust, and waste of battery power on battery tools - might need that power for metal.
I don't see removing the windshield as a waist waste of the patient's time. Better to get it out of the way if you're doing a roof removal, than to have it fall onto the patient/rescuer in the vehicle.
If you're completely removing the roof, just cut the bottom of the windshield across at the level of the A-post cuts and remove the roof over the hood.

That way you save the time for the other 3 windshield cuts, create lots less glass, and don't risk the windshield falling on anyone.
I don't know why I didn't think of that. We've always removed the roof back toward the trunk area whenever possible and set it on the ground. I'm actually a little embarrassed! The next time we do an extrication training evolution (or the real deal) I'll bring this up.
Best, I'd grab the sawzall.

Worst-PB&J sammich.

The usual reason is that somebody trained you to do the roof removal over the trunk and that's the way you've always done it.

In some circumstances, you can do a reverse roof flap by cutting the C-posts and the B-posts, making a relief cut in the roofline immediately behind the A-posts, and flapping the roof over the hood without messing with the windshield at all. Make sure to do a "Pry and Peek" and make sure you're not cutting into any SRS side impact curtain storage or other SRS device first if you do this. It works great on older cars in partial underrides of larger vehicles.
With Joemac's Banana backing up the PBnJ... That would be the worse.
Brian, go to this link and down load a free PDF manual which outlines how to do it (and other techniques) whilst maintaining spinal alignment, etc.

Alternatively, there's a full pre-hospital spinla care manual which includes the same vehicle extraction mentioned above: http://emergencytechnologies.com.au/psm.htm

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