My department was just recently donated a foam inductor I believe thats what it is called. We're a rural department so funding is an issue and the foam concentrate can get a bit expensive. Anyway we were told that the High Expansion foam it uses is basically soap with some sort of flame retardant chemical added to it. Is there anyway to make it, that would be cheaper to buy it? We've tried using some industrial soap we have, it foams up pretty good, its fairly close, but its not the same, anyone have any input on this?
Stick with the soap and us it as a wetting agent instead of foam. It would be cost prohibitive to attempt to make class A foam. Be aware though, all soaps are not environmentally safe. Check with your State Forestry people to see what is available through them.
Or 'inductor', in that it is used to 'induce' foam concentrate into the water flow.
But I still want to know for certain if Coty is talking about Class A or Class B. The idea of using soap implies Class A, but with someone who is unsure about foam anyway (and that's not a criticism Coty, everyone has to learn sometime), I'd like that side cleared up.
All of the Departments in our county get together and make bulk purchases. I know that otherwise we are paying around 70 per 5 gallons. As a bulk purchase we pay around 55. That is when the departments as a whole order about 100 gallons each. That lasts us about a year and a half.
I forgot to mention, we wanted to make some just for training purposes, the extra money is worth it for the sake of our safety, but we just don't want to spend a fortune on training, like I said we are a not so well funded rural department. I believe our chief has already ordered a MadDog nozzle, because several have already suggested it.
We've talked to our sister department, along with a few other neighboring departments in the county, about ordering a bulk supply and distributing it amongst our departments that need foam
Yes, I'm not very well educated on foam, because we are now one out of two departments in our county that have them. I was just asking on here because My chief, a captain and myself got together trying to figure out a cost effective way to get some cheap for training purposes. and I'm glad you pointed out that about checking with forestry we haven't thought about that yet
1. inductor is actually eductor
2. you don't want nor need the liability to "make your own foam" for emergency response, that's just plain crazy,
3. my understanding of your post is that you want to make your own foam for TRAINING purposes only, right?
4. make your own soap and water foam solution and see how this works for you. you can make contact with the various manufacturers to come up with more direction here, but I am sure they will help you out