As technology rolls on seems everyone has a smart phone and or an Ipad......List what apps you use and and what platform it is and what you like or dislike about it 

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on my iPhone 4 I've got a folder specifically for firefighter/ems apps. They include: Firefighter Companion(a fire pump calculator with placards and cpr directions and also # of calls tracker), Emergency & Critical Care Pocket Guide ACLS Version, eMedic, NIMS Incident Command System Gield Guide, Pro Knot (lots of rescue knots with picture guides), WISER (great hazmat app), Scheduler (great schedule app keeps track of vacation days, trade time, personal days, sick days, over time, meals, iphone calendar events, incident tracker, logbook, and lots lots more.)
I've also got a couple weather apps which come in handy for wind speed and direction and forecasting the weather for the day, along with a units converting app that converts just about everything to anything, i-Clickr use your iPhone like a powerpoint/slideshow remote, google earth, and around me just to name a few!
On my Blackberry I use weather bug, Wiser, Firefighter Tool Set, ERG, and of course map applications,

on My Ipad I use EX field Guide (fir hybrid Extrication) ERG, I have a couple other apps I will have to look and see what they are I do not have it with me today.

I am looking at switching my blackberry to a Gzone Command that runs android and there are alot of great apps for androids
HTC HERO. weather bug for radars. Use cargo decoder for placards and haz- mat issues. I haven't been able to find any other good free apps on Android. Maybe someone else has some different ones.
Moto Droid, use DOT ERG, Cargo Decoder, IAFF calendar, Firehouse Scheduler, Knots guide, and Wildland guide by NWCC.
Is there an app for FFN? Can we get one made? How would we go about getting one made?
iPad and iTouch: Scanner911, Fuel Finder, Yahoo Y!Sketch for finding restaurants, aNote for To Do Lists, etc, DocsToGo so I can see word, powerpoint and excel docs, Dropbox to access files, Day Tides, Twitter, Facebook, Pandora, TheMusicPath, Japan News NHK World, CNN, AP, Vulcano, The Onion News, Surf Report, wxRadar, TheWeatherChannel, Trulia, WiFiFoFum, Silent Hunter and Real Racing 2.

iPhone: Applications S/A with the exception of the Shazam for telling you what song is playing or the bar code readers which are free like most of the apps available.

Blackberry: In Case of Emergency (ICE), Scanner Radio, The Weather Channel, Facebook

I'm torn whether or not to get an iPhone at the end of this year when my Verizon contract ends. Leaving the Blackberry would be hard. I like the format and BBM.

Now Moto Droid X....
Wouldn't it make more sense to have (laminated) cheat sheets, guides, manuals, PDR's (not to mention training and experience)? I mean, if you drop a manual in water (or mud, blood, vomit or urine) you can wipe it off and it still works. (maybe it's just me but electronic devices seem to have issues with moisture.)

I'm not a technophobe by any means, but in a situation where apps are needed, is it really worth the risk (and loss of time) in having that device go down, just when you need it?

[And I'm a little concerned about pumping apps, shouldn't the engineer know his rig without apps? If you have to stop, take out your smart phone, find the app, bring it up and then figure out how to do what you need to be doing, aren't you less an engineer and more just someone standing in front of the pump?]
I agree Jack, with all the technology hype, sometime the old ways are the best. Even having a pump chart on the pump is faster to pull out than putzing around with a phone, not to mention keeping an eye on the overall scene, not the electronics.
Not to mention that, once things slow down a bit, is it a leap to imagine that the person with the pump app 'might' decide to pay a visit to facebook, maybe post a little something about the 'kick ass' fire he's presently working? Naw...that would never happen.
Funny, I was thinking the same thing....look at the app for pump pressures, oh there is a new message from so and so....ah just a quick reply....and I guess we can guess where things could go from there.
and I don't use them to remember how to do my job... I have never used one on a call, but it is nice to have my shift calendar on my phone...

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